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Sex Ed

Sex Ed (2014)

November. 07,2014
| Comedy Romance

Eddie lands his first teaching gig at an inner city middle school and finds his highly pubescent pupils are receiving no form of sexual education. Eddie isn't really equipped to teach them...he's not exactly experienced romantically.


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This was a really awkward movie, but I liked it. I guess it's because it's a secular movie that strives away from the secular mentality. If that makes any sense. Sure some viewers might bash the heck out of this, pointing their fingers at how much of a loser the protagonist who is a sex ed teacher played by Haley Joel Osment is. But I was personally rooting for the underdog, because he is the few that had that sense of moral code that is actually quite rare now a days. We now live in a time where if you are a virgin you are labeled as a loser. But this movie tries to show that it's okay to wait for the right person. Even if it's done in a very awkward fashion. I am sure the viewers that were once a very very nice guy that wasn't getting any can relate to this movie to a degree (which is quite a lot). If that is your choice that is your choice. This movie didn't seem to have a clear cut message, but that was one of the points it was trying to make and I kinda respect that. Now I personally like Haley Joel Osment as an actor, he isn't the cute kid he was in his younger years but he knows how to utilize what he has now and I respect that as well. I personally watched this movie because of Haley Joel Osment and actually enjoyed it. It's not a hilarious in your face comedy but it was kind of endearing. Looking at the title and it being labeled as a comedy I thought it would be super crude it's actually not so much. And I liked how it didn't rely on a ton of crude stuff to get some laughs out of the audiences.6.5/10


After reading a few reviews and comments I really was prepared to hate this movie. But I didn't. Yes, it has many flaws, and for me a big one is the pervasive salty language and frank sex references. Some of that is necessary in a story titled "Sex Ed", but just like using too much seasoning to spoil a good meal, this script overdoes its dirty language.If you had to cast a character who is nerdy and still a virgin it would be hard to make a better pick than Haley Joel Osment. He is short and pudgy, his eyes are too close together, but he has turned into a fine young adult actor for this right role. And this is a right role for him as Ed Cole, working in a bagel shop because work as a teacher in Florida is scarce. But through persistence he gets them to take a chance on him, and he is assigned to an after-school class. He seems surprised that it turns out to be a detention period for misbehaving pubescent students.That last statement is key, because one of the girls returns from the bathroom crying because she is sure she has cancer, she discovered some vaginal bleeding and had no idea what was going on. Ed had to call on a nurse friend of his to help the girl. But that sparked his desire to begin a sex education class.Much of the story is Ed trying to come to grips with his virginity and find his own way with the women, while convincing parents that having sex education is a good thing, to let the kids learn the real science behind reproduction and STDs instead of learning the wrong things on the street.Anyone sensitive to lots of dirty dialog and description of sex acts should not watch this movie. But for those who actually seek out that type of movie this one is probably very funny. Abby Elliott Abby

Michael O'Brien

'Sex Ed' has a solid comedic premise: Eddie, a sexually inexperienced 23-year-old teacher, struggles to teach a sex-ed class to middle school kids. Beyond that, there's not much else going on. Fine direction from Isaac Feder and good performances from the whole cast, especially Haley Joel Osment, whose boyish charm carries the movie. Unfortunately, the story is paper thin and there aren't many big laughs. The secondary characters are all underwritten. Retta's character exists only to offer Eddie corny motivational speeches from behind the bar, and Lorenza Izzo is used exclusively as a prop for Eddie's sexual desires - why she is immediately attracted to his awkward speech and creepy stares, I have no idea. These characters - along with Eddie's roommate and his girlfriend - flit in and out of the movie when the plot requires them and have no depth or stories of their own.While there is a lot of potential and talent involved in the film, it just isn't funny or interesting enough to hold your attention for 90 minutes.

Hollis Mabey

"Sex Ed" is a humorous story that earns a lot of laughter, and as a plus, it advocates sexual education in schools and open communication on the subject. This element alone bumped up this comedy to a level that earns my respect.The best aspect of the film is Haley Joel Osment's character. His performance is consistent and he's an easy protagonist to root for. He overturns expectations that would cheapen the film if fulfilled, and, in that way, the character remains honest. He is not only likable for being an awkward, virginal underdog, but for seeming more like an actual person rather than that trope. I'd also owe much of the film's humor to his performance. The narrative was solid and I commend Isaac Feder for creating such a well-formed story in the comedic genre. I also enjoyed seeing some performances from those young actors who portrayed middle school students, especially Isaac White. Overall, a memorably likable and undeniably funny film.
