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Predator: Dark Ages

Predator: Dark Ages (2015)

May. 26,2015
| Action Science Fiction

Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.


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Smoreni Zmaj

This 27 minutes independent fan film stands shoulder to shoulder with original franchise and it is totally unbelievable what they did without support of high budget studios. Smart choice of epoch made it possible to have very convincing scenery and costumes with minimal expenses. Movie is short, fast, and without any introduction or background story it puts as straight to action, and still succeeds to show pretty strong characterization. Without any doubt the best fan film I have ever seen.8/10


This is the second short I see of predator and it's just gets better, well paced, well acted, I didn't mind the CGI cause I understand they are on a budget so things had its limits but besides that a great tale. It used its elements perfectly the director knows how a Predator movie works and what to do. This is a great example of a short movie well made and making it with such an iconic character as Predator it makes for a great premise, I hope they make others shorts with predators threw time, and the waited story about the gun in the second movie.Give it a watch it's worth the 27 minutes.


Before Arnie, before Danny Glover, before AVP there was KVP - Knights vs. Predator.Gripped from the beginning like any fan of the "Hollywood" movies would be, we observe the potential 'prequel' to the Predator series.How would humans with limited resources and a God fearing complex handle the Predator - well, we find out!And now for the bad things!The guy who dies first was clearly obvious - Paddy off 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' is quite a good actor!The Saracen (foreigner) was lame - if he spoke like Yoda "seriously taken him we could have".The Knight who delivers a reinterpretation of the classic "you ain't afraid of no man," from the original Predator movie, looks like he should be afraid of every man, especially the bullies at his high school!The hero of the hour (Clive Owens stunt double), fought a great battle with a vertically challenged Predator! By that I mean the Predator wasn't tall enough!Brutal honesty - I would pay money to see this at a theatre, it had a stylish production and I will be looking out for future releases from this team of dedicated movie makers.


So what we have here is a short film funded by kickstarter. It explores the idea of medieval knights fighting the Predator. This is an amazing little movie that uses a lot of classic movie making techniques rather than piles of special effects to tell the story and set the seen. The special effects that are used a flawless.The story telling and character development are both minimal but effective. We know who the characters are and their nature through efficient story telling. The movie could have easily been padded with more on that.I expect that the franchise owners in Hollywood are already looking to make a full blown production of this concept, but this will always be in fans minds.
