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Hapkido (1973)

September. 05,1973
| Drama Action

Yu Ying, Kao and Fan return to China to start a martial arts school but are bullied by the Japanese competitor who runs the Black Bear school. The harassment leads to intense conflicts between them.


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Jackie can be seen briefly in at least two scenes. I first noticed him near the end of the film in the scene where Angela visits the Japanese school and is prevented from leaving. Jackie, dressed in black, stands in the doorway and gets flipped to the floor by Angela. In another scene, he's also standing on the left side of a doorway, but he's wearing white.I THINK I also saw Yuen Biao (in white) a couple of times, but unfortunately, I can't tell you where to look for him. What surprised me was how prominently featured Lam Ching-Ying is in this movie. He's all over the fight scene that takes place in the street market, ultimately taking punches from Sammo Hung, who probably has more screen time than anyone else in the film.. certainly screen time spent fighting.Finally, I was surprised to discover that the attractive young woman who gets ogled and nearly groped near the start is none other than Nancy Sit!


Perfect movie, cast is insane, top actors: Angela Mao, Carter Wong, Sammo Hung, Han Jae Ji, Ying Bai, Ing-Sik Whang, Ka Ting Lee, Billy Chan, Jackie Chan, Biao Yuen and Corey Yuen. It starts with Angela Mao, Carter Wong and Sammo Hung in picnic, then Japanese guys comes and starts fight. That happened in South-Corea 1934. Then trio travels to China to start Hapkido school, but Hung gets in problem, thus Japanese getting interested about Hapkido school. At first Hung fights 2 drunk Japanese students, they tell it to their master and Japanese makes short visit to Hapkido school. Then Hung beats even more guys in market and all Japanese wants Hung dead. Hung's friends noticed it and they advise Hung to keep it low and go to hide. Spy notices Hung's secret place and sends Martial-Artist's to fight Hung. Hung beats few guys, but last guy kills Hung. Coincidence Mao goes to visit secret place and founds Hung's dead body. That was it for Hapkido and Black-Bear school. Without wasting any time, Mao goes to Black-Bear school and says: "If you're smart enough, you let me walk". Of course they don't and if I remember right, Jackie Chan is in that scene. Chan gets thrown by Mao and Chan slides in floor. After that scene, Japanese invade Hapkido school and Mao and Wong escape in the nick of time. Then girl goes to Hapkido school and sees, Japanese are drinking and eating. The girl goes to get Mao and Mao fights in really dark room (I think that was night scene). Pretty soon Han Jae Ji arrives and he and Mao are going to teach Japanese a lesson. Thus end fight begins. I remember Japanese leader getting Samurai sword and he nearly kills Han Jae Ji. Lucky for him Mao was present and she finishes Japanese leader. In the mid of this movie, Carter Wong has fight scene in Black-Bear school and he gets beaten really bad. There's also dark scene, when Wong fights 10+ guys and they kill Wong. Why I compare this to Casablanca, because its every fighters dream movie. I say, this is better, than Fist of Fury (1972).

Sevket Erhat

I cannot understand why this film is really rare and not widely available. The copy I have seen has burnt in English subtitles that is almost impossible to read as it often goes under the screen and since it was in white color it disappeared in their white clothes.Apart from that the movie is really good. Although I have never been a fan of Carter Wong or Sammo Hung Kam Bo, I have enjoyed the scenes with Hwang In Sik. He is such a good high kicker.One thing that bothered me about this movie is that it looks way too similar to Fist of Fury. They even used the same guy that played the annoying Chinese man siding with the Japanese in Fist of Fury too.Definitely not as good as Fist of Fury but much better than most of the martial arts movies. Recommended...


Grandmaster gave me a copy of "Hapkido" to watch. Unfortunately, it was the only copy he had, and it was kinda in poor condition. But what I saw of it was extraordinary. He could kick like nobody could. The throws, joint locks, simply incredible. To be honest, he still looks just as good today.
