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The Powerpuff Girls Movie

The Powerpuff Girls Movie (2002)

July. 03,2002
| Animation Action Family

Based on the hit animated television series, this feature film adaptation tells the story of how Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup - three exuberant young girls - obtain their unique powers, become superheroes and join forces to foil evil mutant monkey Mojo Jojo's plan to take over the world.


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This film shows us the origins of the Powerpuff Girls in more detail than the explanation that appeared before each episode of the television series. For those who haven't watched the series: Professor Utonium is determined to do something his crime-ridden hometown of Townsville. To that end he mixes 'sugar and spice and all things nice'; to this blend 'Ingredient X' is accidentally added by Jojo, his chimpanzee. This mix creates three delightful little girls who he names Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup... these aren't ordinary girls though; they have superpowers! The next day they start attending school and all goes well until they are introduced to the game of tag; the way they play leaves both their school and the city in ruins! They are forbidden from using their powers and after the Professor is arrested they meet up with Jojo, who has been effected by Ingredient X, he says he can help them be liked again if they help him with his plan to help Townsville. Unfortunately he was less than honest with them and soon he is trying to take over the city with the help of apes and monkeys that he has treated with Ingredient X. This leads to the girls being hated even more. If they are to be loved again they will have to defeat Jojo, now calling himself Mojo Jojo.While this film is clearly going to appeal most to fans of the series it isn't necessary to have watched the show to enjoy this. The introduction of the girls is handled well and fairly quickly. Once that is done the action quickly starts and once it has started it barely lets up until the end. This action provides both laughs and excitement in equal measure. The story is solid and nicely fills the seventy three minute run time without the need to shoehorn all the characters of the series into the action. Mojo Jojo was the 'main villain' of the show so it was good to see him take the villainous lead here; it was also fun to see his origins. The animation clearly isn't of Disney standard but to my mind it was essential that it kept the look of the TV series rather than trying to 'improve' it. There are plenty of references to other films which older viewers should enjoy without detracting from the enjoyment of those who don't get the references... I'm sure I missed some! Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of the series whatever their age; I suspect it can also be enjoyed by people who haven't watched the Powerpuff Girls before.

Mihai Toma

In a town where evil doers roam free without anyone to stop them, Professor Utonium accidentally creates three beautiful little girls...with superpowers! Unfortunately, all isn't as simple as it looks. They have a lot to learn and a lot of challenges to overcome in order to become Townsville's famous superheroes.We're presented with the entire story of how the Powerpuff Girls were invented and all their perils from being unknown, hated and ultimately adored by everyone. It's a great cartoon movie with a pretty decent plot, some great action and drama but also a bit of soul. It lacks some of complexity and some events are prolonged unnecessarily while others are jumped like there wasn't a serious situation involved but overall it's a great Powerpuff movie. I surely enjoyed it!


I love this just as much as the series and it tells when the Powerpuff Girls were created and how Jojo became Mojo Jojo. Of course that is shown in the episode Mr. Mojo's Rising right after Mojo kidnaps the Professor and tells the girls about his origin and then the Professor realizes Mojo was the worst lab assistant he ever had and threw him out after the girls were born. In the movie right after the girls were created the Professor gives them presents and discovered his accident made the girls very special and unique. This movie also shows how the girls got their room and the girls made the windows with their heat vision. After a long day of fun and work and play the girls are put to bed and they are just so cute when they're asleep. The next morning the girls are taken to Pokey Oaks Kindergarten on their first day of school and are introduced there. Later that day the girls are playing out on the playground playing hopscotch then discovered the game tag and as they started to play they started to cause destruction all over Townsville and then later that night the Professor tells them that they shouldn't use their powers in public anymore cause no one understood how special they were yet. The next day the girls are in a newspaper about the destruction they caused yesterday and Mojo in a box sees them in it and laughs maniacally cause he had a plan to use them to take over Townsville and the world and it was his first plan ever. Also when the girls came to Pokey Oaks they saw that no one wanted to play with them after yesterday. Then later that day the Professor is arrested and the girls are left at school alone and heartbroken. They go into Townsville lost from home and saw that everyone hated them and called them freaks. Now that part really got to me and made me cry. Then the girls are in an alley and meet the Gangreen Gang for the first time but didn't know how to use their powers yet. Then Mojo comes to save them and after that the girls discovered that he was a unique creature as well and Mojo asks them to help him with a project that would make the people of Townsville accept him. This also shows how Mojos lair was created and that was when the girls are tricked into building it. Then Mojo also creates this machine which needed a supply of Chemical X which made the Powerpuff Girls and when it was built Mojo takes the girls to the zoo and takes pictures of them in the primates section but really puts transporters on all the monkeys and apes and when the girls go home the Professor is brought home from jail and tells them what happened to him and the girls tell him that things would get better. But instead things got worse. Mojo transports all the primates from the zoo and uses the machine of Chemical X to turn them into super intelligent apes like himself and I mean literally like himself. XD. When the girls and the Professor see this they are shocked and the town hated the girls more then ever and the girls tried to explain but the professor didn't know who to believe and that made the girls go into exile to an asteroid on the asteroid belt. Meanwhile Mojo takes over Townsville along with all his ape army. Then when the girls heard all the cries of all the people of Townsville and the Professor being held captive by Mojo they decided to help and soon discovered what they can do with their powers and that is by fighting crime and the forces of evil. Then they started kicking all the monkeys and apes butts and then they go after Mojo. When the girls get to Mojo he uses the machine with Chemical X and turns himself into a big King Kong size of a chimp and starts reeking havoc on Townsville. Then the girls started fighting the Super Mojo and during the fight Mojo carry's the girls in one of his paws up the tallest building like King Kong climbing the Empire State Building and proposes to them to join them in his quest to conquer the world. It's also a Star Wars reference cause Mojo did it like Darth Vader. lol. The girls denied the proposal and defeated Mojo once and for all for the first time and he falls like King Kong. lol Then he falls onto a container of Antidote X which was the alternative to Chemical X. Then Mojo is revereted back to normal and Townsville and the day are saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls. Then after that everyone in Townsville loved the Powerpuff Girls and apologize for the way they treated them. Ever since then the girls have been fighting crime and saving the world before bedtime. This movie is one of the best animated films ever and should've been nominated for an Oscar for best animated feature. I was 11 years old when I first saw this.


This Movie has lots of Violence and Mayhems as well as Harsh Languages. But why bother? Yes, it's true. Especially what if our/your children learned such Languages or Violence? There is a simple solution. Just sacrifice your time and spend time with them reasoning why they should not learn such things. It's very simple and they could not do it at all. They simply just spoil other viewers' mood by giving this GREAT MOVIE a Bad, Bad Review and Horrible but Honest Comments. It's probably because they could not do it, they gave up easily. That is not those kind of people we know. Why? They lack of important keywords to the solution.1. Patients (With whoever is around them/you/us) 2. Chances (They immediately say everything out loud without thinking THRICE) 3. Solutions (Finding Solutions to overcome easy problems and they just immediately gave it a Bad Review. Refer to the top)Bottomline: There are those who love Powerpuff Girls and there are those who hate them. If you don't have what it takes to love them, why bother caring and watching? If you got what it takes, then prove it by starting with the 3 Main Keywords. There are more but like what they said... Patients.POWERPUFF GIRLS FOREVER!POWERPUFF!
