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The Endurance

The Endurance (2000)

September. 02,2000
| History Documentary

Documentary on the Shackleton Antartic expedition. A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in and the crew of his vessel 'The Endurance', which was trapped in the ice floes and frigid open ocean of the Antarctic in 1914. Shackleton decided, with many of his crew injured and weak from exposure and starvation, to take a team of his fittest men and attempt to find help. Setting out in appalling conditions with hopelessly inadequate equipment, they endured all weather and terrain and finally reached safety. Persuading a local team of his confidence that the abandoned team would still be alive, he set out again to find them. After almost 2 years trapped on the ice, all members of the crew were finally rescued.


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"The Endurance" (2000): Documentary. "In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton set sail on the Expedition with 27 men aboard, aiming to cross Antarctica. But when the vessel became stranded in frigid, deep waters, the crew began a battle of the human spirit, testing the limits of endurance as they strove to overcome the debilitating setback. Miraculously, they succeeded, even capturing the experience in pictures and on film." What is MOST profound about this story is what you learn from the mouths and diaries of survivors & their families. Their story leaves you gasping for air, and feeling you can NEVER EVER AGAIN WHINE ABOUT A SINGLE THING in your cushy, little, safe, easy, pampered life. This is one of the most difficult, torturous trials of life of all time. These men were the toughest, bravest, most steadfast humans to walk the Earth. It BOGGLES my mind to think of what they faced, and what they did to survive. Wow. See this! Get some perspective.


This is, quite simply, the finest documentary I have ever seen. The story is one of the most amazing, and harrowing, tales of survival imaginable. In fact, it is beyond anything a novelist could conjure. It is filled with amazing, high quality archival stills and footage. The film is well edited. The hour and a half flies by, and you leave emotionally exhausted and exhilarated. Most highly recommended.


I'm not certain what compelled me to see this film. I think it had something to do with Liam Neeson narrating, and the fact I knew nothing about Shackleton or any legendary antarctic expedition. So when I sat down in the movie theater to see this film, I feared I was forcing myself to see a dry documentary. On the contrary, it was fabulous! The film brought the expedition to life by showing photographs and historic reels, and beautifully conveyed the sense of being on that journey and the sheer magnitude of its undertaking. I was lost in their world and amazed at the strength (and sheer luck) of these men. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen. 9/10


Endurance, the Shackleton expedition is more compelling depending on how the viewer views the material. I stayed awake throughout (the candy and soda helped, but still), but that might not be the case for the entire audience. The tale tells of Ernest Shackleton (is that his name), an expeditioner who took a crew of men on an expedition to search more of the Antarctic continent. This turned out to be not the case, however, as they had to endure the loss of their endurance ship, a number of crew members, and most of the morale that came with them in the beginning, but they still had to pull through, to survive to get back home. Compelling from a view it more or less stays on that track with some interesting and poignant interviews with historians and relatives of the crew on the voyage. It does get a tad boring in parts though; Liam Neeson provides narration. B
