Escape to Witch Mountain (1995)
The tale of two orphan twins with special powers who go looking for their origins. The two are hindered by an avaricious tycoon who only wants to exploit their abilities.
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Escape To Witch Mountain is an amazing movie that you will instantly take a liking to the first time you see it. I saw it 11 years ago when I was 5 and it first came onto television. Though I haven't seen it since then, I haven't forgotten this movie and wish I could see it again.It has everything a good movie needs. Great characters, a new story, a new idea, and the feeling of wanting to see more. This movie did that for me and it will surely do that for you. It's sad this hasn't come out on DVD, as I would totally buy about 5 copies in case I lost some, or my friends wanted one. This movie was the BEST movie in the world, even to today, NO movie I've EVER seen can beat it. Every second of this movie had me excited and amazed at what happened in every scene. The movie had surprise, fun, mystery, and a lot more. I remember sometime after I saw it years ago I would always pretend I was JUST like the twins in the movie. I wanted to be able to do everything they could do so badly. Call me crazy, but this movie is PERFECT! You'll love it after the first few minutes, trust me.I only have one thing to say to Disney... PLEASE PUT IT ON DVD!
Could someone inform me what was the point of this movie? Any fan of the original should steer well clear! The story was shoddy and Robert Vaughn was unusually an unconvincing villain. This had none of the punch and believability of the original. The original is miles better. Respects to all the participants and I suppose they must've done their best but to all those fans of Tony and Tia (myself included) give it a miss. If you haven't seen the original then perhaps you might find some merit in this but I don't! I didn't think movies could be this bad (and I've seen Showgirls!) I was horrified the last of The Magnificent Seven, the god-like Robert Vaughn would lower himself to be in something as bad as this. He should've stuck to cowboy's and Napoleon Solo!
I absolutely loved this movie. I saw it when I was much younger. It certainly left a good impression on me. i have been searching for this movie on video for the last 5 years. I used to watch it on the Disney channel all the time. It's a great movie about a set of twins trying to find each other. they are from another planet and they try to find away home. it's weird that all the twins are either girl, girl or boy boy. but the main characters are a boy and a girl. it has a villain that happens to be like a billionaire. and his butler, there's a surprising twist there. any way i highly recommend this movie it is absolutely fantastic. but hey thats just my opinion. and i also haven't seen the movie in years but i know it was a great movie.
What can I say? This is a failed Disney remake. When movies are remade, that does not mean change the plot into a pile of mumbo jumbo that doesn't fully make sense. I've never figured out why the purple light was so important, though they gave a reason. The only decent parts were throwbacks to the GOOD version, such as the horse.