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The Love Guru

The Love Guru (2008)

June. 20,2008
| Comedy Romance

Born in America and raised in an Indian ashram, Pitka returns to his native land to seek his fortune as a spiritualist and self-help expert. His skills are put to the test when he must get a brokenhearted hockey player's marriage back on track in time for the man to help his team win the Stanley Cup.


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It's hilairous. Simples. Go in with an open mind and allow yourself to lighten up.

Python Hyena

The Love Guru (2008): Dir: Marco Schnabel / Cast: Mike Myers, Jessica Alba, Justin Timberlake, Ben Kingsley, Verne Troyer: Title speaks for itself as famous Guru Pitka is summoned from India to Canada to reunite a fallen hockey player with his ex-girlfriend. Not a bad setup but from there it is pretty straight forward. The outcome isn't surprising since it becomes rather pointless for Pitka when his goal is met with attitude shifted, but director Marco Schnabel is backed with colourful production that makes a good distraction from the shabby writing. Mike Myers has fun as Pitka whom often remembers his training and his yearning to get a spot on Oprah. Jessica Alba as the woman whom summoned him is basically eye candy. Justin Timberlake as a rival goalie is underused. He is screwing the hockey player's girlfriend and being a total jerk about it. Is it possible that he will meet his match when Pitka is done with his rival? Does this movie suck? Ben Kingsley steals scenes as the cross-eyed Guru trainer but the role is totally one-note. Verne Troyer work well with Myers as Mini-Mi in the Austin Powers films but here the magic is lost. Here is an example of an idea that might have worked since the concept wasn't bad, but it gets reduced to crude jokes and toilet humour worthy of a quick trip to the trash can. Satire of talk show or self help figures but unfortunately only big Myers fans will love this Guru. Score: 5 ½ / 10


In my quest to see the worst of the worst that Hollywood has to offer, I stumble upon this film. According to my younger brother, it was the worst film he has ever seen. I finally had the chance to see it and all I saw was: Horror, pain, misery and silence (I will explain that one later). First my opinion about Mike Myers himself. He was a great actor and his rolls in Wayne's World, Austin Powers and the first two Shrek films are great. But than his popularity falls down in the around 2003, with film rolls like The cat in the hat. The Love Guru is seen as the exact point when Myers career committed Japanese ritual suicide.I can say from the bottom of my heart that this is the worst comedy I have ever seen in my life. Say what you will about the Adam Sandler movies or the Friedberg and Seltzer movies (epic movie, disaster movie), at least they have some level of thought into it (not that it make these films good). This film is just an torture device.First the story. It is about guru Pitca (Mike Myers), who is helping an ice-hockey player (Romany Malco) to face his fears, so he can win the ice-hockey game so Pitca can be at Oprah's talk show to become the world's greatest guru. The plot is bland, uninspired, very predictable and just stupid. The only things I can remember from this movie is the stupid and predictable love-triangle, and two elephants having sex on an ice-hockey field. I just became less intelligent after saying that last bit.The characters are all bad. Myer's character was the worst one. He tries so hard to make the viewer's laugh, but fails miserably. The rest of the cast I can't remember a single thing except for the ridicules names. Like Justin Timberlake's character named Jacques "Le Coq" Grande, guess why he is called that way. Than you have Dick Pants played by John Oliver. The worst thing that can happen to a comedy is that the jokes make nobody laugh. Remember the silence I mentioned at the beginning of this review? That's what my brother remembers of watching this film at his school, because nobody makes a laugh, not even at the really bad stuff in this film. The comedy in this film can be summed up like this: Guru Pitca's ridicules face, bad sex jokes (like the one with the elephants), and about a million dick jokes, none of them are close to be funny.There is no hope for Mike Myers. He will never make a good film ever again. To all of you, stay away from this thing.


I saw this movie the first time when I was still a senior in high school. The two male members of the household and I watched this movie because we expected Mike Myers to deliver. I will admit that I was disappointed when I watched this movie for the first time; in fact, it was my sibling who had enthusiastically wanted to watch this movie more than I did.However, I am a person who gets bored with contemporary culture easily. I do not like modern movies and TV shows that much; I also lost my interest in video games. So I decided to buy this movie because it only sold for $3. To my surprise, I liked this movie a lot upon my second viewing. It made a lot of good philosophical and self-help points that especially seem relevant to the problems that a lot of young people my age tend to face. Despite the fact that the movie featured tasteless humor, I nevertheless did find it funny. The second time I watched it, I had not been grossed out as much because I was obviously more mature. I also like the music and the hockey in the film.I have the suspicion that many do not like this movie due to the fact that it features dated humor. However, I find Mike Myers' 'dated' humor to be funnier than movies out now such as Horrible Bosses, Pineapple Express and the Hangover Part III. Even though Mike Myers may be making enough money from the Shrek sequels to opt out on acting, writing and directing for now, I still do miss his comedy and would like to see more of it. I, for instance, would like to see him star in a movie with Jim Carrey eventually; maybe they can do something like the Odd Couple.I will conclude my review by stating how surprised I am that this movie received such low reviews. I, for instance, find this movie to be better than the original SpongeBob Squarepants' movie. I can obviously see how this movie received poor reviews from critics. I am also not surprised by the negative reception the movie got from the general populace, but I am surprised by comments that the movie is bad enough to have killed Mike Myers' career. Even if the movie does feature tasteless humor, I do not think anyone can deny that it manifests glimmers of Mike Myers' former brilliance. Finis.8/10
