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The Gingerdead Man

The Gingerdead Man (2005)

November. 08,2005
| Fantasy Horror Comedy

An evil yet adorable Gingerbread man comes to life with the soul of a convicted killer, and this real life cookie monster wreaks havoc on the girl who sent the killer to the electric chair.


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I didn't expect much with this one, I actually thought the premise sounded like it could be amusing... Especially with Gary Busey voicing the gingerbread man.But except for the first 4 minutes it was just boring and really lazily made in every aspect, the gingerdead man doesn't show up until 25 minutes in and it's a rubber sock puppet with someones hand in it moving it around that just looks lame, I'd prefer poor CGI than that tbh.The whole movie circulates inside and around the bakery where the gingerdead man was baked, most likely to keep the budget as low as possible and for a serial killing cookie he sure likes to take his sweet time to even attempt to get to killing leaving the other characters in the movie plenty of time to flirt with each other and discuss life in general while the movie is supposed to be the most exciting.It is pretty impressive how they managed to make it so dull though considering it's only 60 minutes long (if you exclude the credits).I would have considered giving it a 1 but I only give out 1's to movies that I really HATE and this is so utterly lackluster it can't even make me hate it.

David Alvarez

Original and funny movie, largely unknown outside the United States and in other countries was called Sweet Macabre or The Ginger Man .I have to say that despite its modest budget and unpretentious , Gingerdead Man , it is a pretty fun and carefree film. The film is not taken seriously practically itself which makes the viewer find it funny and cool mostly. The performances are very, very fair but enough for a product of this type . The photograph and address themselves are better than I expected .The story does not stop to explain too much, and prefer to spend directly to the action , which together with its very short duration of just one hour and ten minutes ago that the movie quickly pass you without giving chance to get bored .The special effects are somewhat crappy. , but are effective for a B movie pulling to Z.In conclusion :Best: the killer cookie is so fun , actor Gary Busey appears, the performances are not as bad as one would expect from a product , it is very short and not bored.Worst: It's pretty bizarre, some situations are ridiculous , Gary Busey appears only at the beginning ( he was responsible basically to put the word out to the killer cookie ) , the script does not explain anything past the murderer , the film looks and forgets quickly .


Gary Busey is a prime example about how a promising career can be flushed down the toilet by accepting the wrong scripts! Actors tend to ignore the fact that a lot of people can not tell the difference between real life and soumthin' dae done seed at the Four Corners Gulch picture showin'. And that means what comes around goes around, even when it comes to celluloid! The mind is a powerful thing ... and if people hate you enough, you are in big trouble! Which explains how a man can have a 30-something year career and wind-up playing a killer cookie! You can't play the role of the bad guy and expect to have the life of Pierce Brosnan! As for the movie ... stoopid! A little cookie has the strength to knock a 20 something year old out with a wooden kitchen tool? That's gonna happen! Sorry ... though much of the acting wasn't too bad, not at all ... the movie still sucked pimentos! However ... there is a good lesson here ... you really are what you eat! GOT MILK?


With a title like that, and the premise being a walking/talking/killing cookie, I think most viewers will picture this movie being a (black) comedy. And it could have worked - I thought that the original "Jack Frost" movie, about a killer snowman, worked. But in this case, NOTHING works. The movie is really cheap, looking like a backyard production made in the 1980s and shelved for twenty years without any restoration. There's also a minimalist feel, with barely enough props and scenery, all looking very unconvincing. Gary Busey just seems to be going through the motions, with the scene he actually appears in as well as voicing the killer cookie. The supporting cast comes across as even worse, if that's possible, not helped by a script that makes them the stupidest characters I've seen in a movie for a long time. And even though the movie barely lasts 60 minutes (not counting the s-l-o-w closing credits), it goes by at such a slow pace that it feels endless. This movie actually has spawned two sequels, making me conclude that it was even cheaper than I thought, since I can't see most people liking this movie.
