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Dark Moon Rising

Dark Moon Rising (2015)

August. 04,2015
| Fantasy Horror

A group of shape-shifting werewolves descend upon a small town in search of a girl who is re-born once every 2000 years. She holds the key to their survival and all will die who stand in their way.


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This movie is hardly the worst movie ever made, but it does have quite a few things that can be improved in it. The love story angle is also way too emphasized, to extent that it tries to overpower even the action sequences at some points in the movie. It tries too hard to be a Twilight clone with only werewolves, rather than taking a risk and standing on its own with its own narrative and story arc. The sequences that feature the werewolves going on a rampage also seemed forced, and it hardly felt as if it was connected to the rest of the storyline (as if added as an afterthought). Characters are also trying too hard to explain every single aspect in far too great detail, like Gecko's explanation of his Venom Strike technique. Giving it a name and brief description would have more than adequate. There is also a werewolf hunter, but she is the daughter of a person who was scratched by a werewolf, yet isn't a werewolf herself?The CGI was a bit basic, but there were quite a few sequences that do carry merit, like the big werewolf sneaking up from behind the smaller cop (in typical ninja mode), or the wolf approaching the fairgrounds, that in my opinion were the better visual parts of the movie, or the sensory overload in the classroom of one of the main characters in the story. I do believe that if the movie had more such elements in it, the critics would have had a lot less to complain about. The music felt slightly out of touch with what what going on in the movie itself, as if there was an effort to let the music carry some of the burden of making the movie better, even when there was already issues like the CGI and the acting that should have been addressed right at the start of the movie. If felt as if the acting was either deliberately muted or that there was a lack of depth within the acting itself, which is strange in itself as you had Eric Roberts in this movie as well. With that being said, I do believe the movie still has promise in its sequel(s)? There is a role reversal, with the woman being the apex predator, and the guy being "the damsel in distress", or at the very least a guy that hardly knows what he is letting himself in for. There are some interesting elements that other werewolf movies haven't explored to any extent yet, like the dream world, the powers that some werewolves have, superhuman speed, X-ray type of vision and supernatural hearing of the werewolves (hearing a butterfly in the woods). I would love to see some further elaboration of the different types of werewolves as well, as it seems the main villains seems to come from different werewolf packs/tribes. This movie reminds me a lot of the World of Darkness' Garou franchise, more so than other werewolf movies. I am cautiously awaiting part 2 of this movie series, considering the plot twist during the last 10 minutes of the original movie's open ending. I am giving this movie an average score, because I believe that the storyline, CGI and acting can be improved in sequel(s), and due to its obvious potential, it can still be a great movie series.


Atrocious.. Awful.. Terrible.. Horrendous...None of those words accurately convey just how bad this movie is.It his the bottom of the meter on writing, directing and acting. I only gave it a 1 because I felt obligated to write this review of it. I really don't know how it could have been worse.I enjoy a lot of B movies because sometimes they're so bad that they're funny. This one actually had some promise and I thought for sure it would be worth the time to watch it. In the end, I couldn't even finish it. There was absolutely nothing in the acting or directing or special effects to keep me watching.Typically at least the props department and directors/supervisors are good about putting proper time period props. This didn't even come close. It isn't worth the time to point out all of the anachronisms.Do yourself a favor and skip this movie.


I found it humorous how many of the reviews who gave low scores questioned the reviewers who thought highly of it, well i didn't see any high marks i didn't search enough i did see one mention the several reviews with obvious similarities i mean how many alvins allens alvinas who all joined the same time actually liked this? I call bullshit. Anyway i love a good movie and from the beginning when the whisper dark moon rising accompanied the name on screen i knew this would be no howling or silver bullet....hell not even the level of howling 3 and thats sad. Though i probably shouldn't say that simply cos i just give it enough of my evening. Decided to watch a family guy rerun. Cant go wrong with watching peter act like an ass and stewie condescending remarks while dressed in drag.


One of the worst movies i ever seen, not recommendable at all. It sucks hardcore. I would tell everyone to avoid this movie even if it was the last movie on this earth. The graphics suck , the camera man doesn't know what he is doing. There is no plot at all. They speak to themselves which is a sign that they are idiots.Trust me if they were any good reviews then that person would be ultimately blind. It doesn't even deserve a 0.5 rating.The blood shed, fantasy looks so fake. The music doesn't match the scenes in the movie at all.They jump randomly from each scene.To critic this movie i could just go on and on and still it would never end.My advice avoid this at any cost.
