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U.F.O. (2012)

December. 15,2012
| Action Science Fiction

A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity and power shut off and an immense alien aircraft hovering in the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of friends is battling to survive as the entire human race is threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above.


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Tim Loudoun

From the pulsating, funky, and party time start to the shocking but welcome end twist this was a welcome change to the norm. The anti racist undertone set out by the early supermarket scene had whispers of Mandela. The moment that Jean Claude gave his life to explode was moving too. The thought provoking ending makes this a must for all film buffs. Too often are women portrayed as pieces of meat and not as truly credible actresses. This film bucks the trend by having both blonde AND brunette ladies,and one wore trousers. The cgi involved was amazing with what seemed like real spaceships shooting people and being able to show what extraterrestrial technology is surely like.

Ray P

I've watched a lot of movies and some not so good ones, but this one...WOW!!! Everything about this movie sucks from the script to the acting to the effects. This movie can't even be called a 'B' movie but a 'T' movie.... Trash! Jean Claude Van Damme must have been given pity pay to attract viewersI have to have 10 lines of text to describe this movie,,,don't think it warrants that much... it's crapLike others have said if you value your time or just want to watch it to see how not to act or make a horrible movie then watch this one!Some of the actors were making a real attempt I suppose but it isn't enough to make the grade.

Bill Irons

The premise for the movie is great, coupled with a solid performance from Jean Claude van Damme. I would have liked to see more of him but we can't all get everything we want. Though the blow is reduced by having Bianca Bree on screen who is not only talented in the martial arts department but is also stunning.This film shows that British cinema is on the up and up, so things are heading to a great level.The film takes a short while to kick in but is worth the wait to see the great visual effects and developing storyline. It was refreshing to see a film tell its story from a non conventional perspective and I felt true jeopardy for every character which is rare in this type of film.I used to give a movie 15 minutes before I moved on but I'm glad I changed my policy before I saw this. A solid 8/10 in my eyes, considering its apparent budget. Much Much better than After Earth so that's a point in the win column.


This movie is simply awful and not in a fun way. Sometimes films that are terrible are also enjoyable to watch, "dumb fun," making you laugh out loud at the ineptness. However, this film is not only stupid but boring. The pacing is terrible. It is presumably about an attack by aliens but they manage to avoid any involvement of aliens until well into the movie. The attempt at building tension is all about people fighting each other at the most ridiculous times. As you are viewing the movie, questions will occur to you like "If the mobs were amassing outside a store to loot it how come they didn't go around the back to the, incredibly, unlocked door and just walk in the way the main characters did?" But even as I dismissed questions about the ridiculously dopey plot points, I figured "Well maybe it will turn out like that famous Twilight Zone episode in which the aliens sat back while humanity destroyed itself out of its own paranoia." But noooo, nothing that clever as the aliens who had incredible technology and fire power SPOILER ALERT showed up as being identical to humans - in fact having infiltrated the world and passed as humans for years - and just shot them with guns.I should also point out that at the beginning there is soft-core porn, which in itself didn't bode well for the movie as a science fiction effort. However, I tried to shrug that off in thinking "Well, it's a foreign film so maybe this is standard" - I recalled TV shows I'd seen in some European which had nothing to do, specifically, with sexual themes yet had to toss in some sex scenes for the heck of it, as was expected. But in looking back I'd have to write off the early sex scenes as part of the "cheesiness" factor.The movie is extremely derivative, having stolen spaceship design from a number of films, along with the "aliens among us" theme (what a savings on special effects!), among many other elements. But I can't really call it derivative without insulting a large number of films that it borrowed from - it brings film-making to new lows. Avoid it, or you may risk wishing that you could have an hour and a half of your life back.
