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Blood Glacier

Blood Glacier (2013)

September. 27,2013
| Horror

At a climate research station in the Alps, the scientists are stunned as the nearby melting glacier is leaking a red liquid. It quickly turns to be very special juice — with unexpected genetic effects on the local wildlife.


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Blood, screaming, mutant creatures... So, in this world climate change has become so bad that huge areas have no ice anymore. One of those places is the Alps.They have some scientists up there, trying to figure it all out. But, like it all horror and creature movies, something happens. They find a glacier that is covered in a red substance. Then, all hell is let loose.The creatures are these odd mutant hybrids of animal and something. Totally has the feel of John Carpenter's The Thing.It's in German, but on Netflix it was dubbed and subbed in English.Over all not a bad movie, had it's slow points, and a bit too much screaming at times.. But, it reminds me a lot of the creature movies I grew up watching. It also had some nice funny moments, and a cute little love story between a dude and his dog.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Blutgletscher" or "Blood Glacier" is an Austrian horror movie from 2 years ago that runs for slightly under 100 minutes. now Austria has come up with some quality film in the 21st century, but sadly this movie here does not fall under that category. It takes place in the Alps where something evil is about to rise and take it all out on the people, mostly scientists, being nearby. I would say it is a mix of "Alien" (mostly) and "The Walking Dead", but really only a very poor man's version. In order to give this film some contemporary relevance, they also included a pretty stupid climate change reference. With "they", I mean mostly writer and director Marvin Kren. No idea if he is related to Austrian experimental filmmaker Kurt Kren. I could find no evidence, so I guess not.This movie got quite some awards recognition by the Austrian Film Academy last year, which tells me that it must have been a pretty bad year for films in Austria or they just awarded the wrong ones. It baffles me to see Gerhard Liebmann actually win Best Actor. I mean he wasn't bad, but he wasn't particularly memorable either. Brandauer certainly was much better for his nominated role. By now, you should know that I was not impressed with this film at all. Still, to end the review on a more positive note, I thought the make-up and special effects depicting the evil creatures was pretty solid and sometimes the film was also nicely atmospheric, even if they certainly could have made better use of the isolation factor up in the mountains. These factors are really the only reasons for which this film is somewhat worth a watch. All in all, not recommended.


This flick, I ALMOST rented from iTunes, but something told me: "Wait..." I'm glad I listened to my inner critic...so even though I slated this baby for a Saturday Night B thriller, it did itself in two ways: It Excelled and it Bombed at the same time.The set-up for the 'horror drama' is so predictable and derivative of 'The Thing' that it made me gag. Nevermind the side complaint that considering it about a 'Glacier' I didn't see all that much snow...nor did anyone even give the impression that it was cold at any time during the movie.Next-- they dubbed this movie. They really, REALLY should have gone with subtitles. But because they went with dubbing, by the time I heard "Don't eat bananas while you're crying!" I could only double over with hysterics. For the life of me, I don't know WHERE that line came from or what the script writer was thinking...but that line is Immortal in my view now.The Characters...they were just doomed. They were all going to die. They all DESERVED to die. And their Deaths had nothing to do with the Plot. They just deserved death on principle. And then the Director and the Script Writers deserved to spill blood on the rocks alongside them for good measure.The only person who I liked and who was spared was the Minister: She was a battle-axe of a woman. And evidently most Austrian women are battle-axes, because all the men were wimps or alcoholics in this movie.The screaming was good. It's ironic, because there was no tension or suspense by this point. It was just non-stop screaming and mayhem and I couldn't STOP LAUGHING...because this was NOT the intent of the Movie!!! Oh...and the Monsters were done pretty well. That's what the 4 stars are for.Good Monsters. Many Screams. Hysterical Dubbing.Watch this mess with Friends, Beer and Sarcasm on a Saturday Night.


Here's a fun game... watch 'Blood Glacier' and give yourself ten points every time someone mentions rabid foxes. I would say drink an alcoholic drink, but you'd probably need hospital treatment if you did that.In 'Blood Glacier' we join an assortment of bearded geologists studying a glacier somewhere in the natural wilderness. Then, one fateful day, their glacier looks like it's made up of blood. Although it's quite pretty it does have the drawback of produces rabid foxes. Okay, so the 'rabid foxes' turn out to be an assortment of monsters, but the geologists still seem to refer to them as 'rabid foxes' for much of the film (even when Santa Clause arrives with his butt-kicking wife).What you have here is a homage to John Carpenter's classic, 'The Thing.' I don't say 'rip-off' because that would be running Blood Glacier down and, despite its reliance on rabid foxes and baldy-beardy men, it's actually pretty fun. Yes, it has subtitles, so be prepared for that, but the effects are cool, the monsters well thought out and not that much (if any?) CGI effects which ruin so many films. The cast does as well as any cast in these situations. Of course there are always going to be a few daft moments where people do that thing Ripley does in Alien where they sacrifice humans to save animals, but, apart from that, if you're a fan of foreign horror, or liked The Thing, I'd give this one a go.It also includes the rather surreal line, 'Stop eating that banana while you're crying!' I don't know why that amused me so, but it did.http://thewrongtreemoviereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
