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The Marksman

The Marksman (2005)

November. 28,2005
| Adventure Action Thriller

Chechen rebels take over a Russian nuclear plant and it's up to a mysterious agent (Snipes) to stop them.


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Destroyer Wod

Well the problem with this movie is there is obvious flaws that are just too obvious for the general public.First my DVD box said it had multiple languages and subtitles, when it had only English with no subtitles... I tough at first they could had mix the DVDs but it seem i was not the only one. So i watched it in English and could experience the awful dubbing of some of the rangers army team(especially the captain). This alone make it seem like awful acting.Wesley is really soft spoken, maybe a bit too much for your obvious action movie fan... The gun sounds also seem a bit off, they don't have that noisy noises(even when silencers) that we are used to hear in movies.Hand to hand combat for what there is seem extremely cheap and bad too(but its very limited to only a few scenes) The plot is like the general 90s action movie type, i will not get into detail but i will say its very simple, and the villains are very under used all movie long.But despise all of these flaws, as an action movie, without being "very good", it ain't as horrible as some people wanted it to be. The production just seem too cheap, thats the main problem, cause the rest, its done decently for an action movie with gunfights, an OK story, and a military theme. In any case i will never say it was a good action movie, but its certainly not as bad as some people want to put it...


I was given this film in error when I tried to rent 'Marked for death' from Blockbuster. I can only assume a similar mix up allowed the script to get the go ahead first place. The only (literally the only) good thing I can say about this is that there was some nice lighting in places. Other than that this film was a f*****g abortion. The characters puerile, the dialogue was boring and generic, the plot was ill conceived and unrealistic. I am a big fan of the 'so bad it is good' genre (Death Wish, Commando, Exterminator, that kind of thing) but this does NOT fall into this category. This is just bad in a sense that makes it boring. My advice to you my friends is don't bother, get Marked For Death instead.


Normally, Wesley Snipes and action movies go hand-in-hand like bacon & eggs. But this is an awful film.I've not seen a movie that was: Poorly written Poorly directed Poorly edited Poorly acted Poorly costumed all at the same time.The best thing about the movie was Emma Samms. Not that she put in an excellent performance, but the fact that she still looks good for a mature woman.The editing was choppy, making it hard to follow the film. The screenplay was awful, making it even harder to follow what was going on in the film. The costuming was a joke. I've seen better costuming at an airsoft skirmish! The direction was just bad...about as bad as the acting. Snipes is a good actor, but bad direction, bad script and choppy editing may be the cause for his bad performance. The support actors did not do a good job at all, either. There is some gratuitous nudity at the beginning of the film. The "Ranger" squad was at a strip club. That brings up another problem...you'd think they could've hired someone (who was actually in the Army) to advise them on how military personnel speak, act, etc.Overall, it's not even worth a rental.

Maarten Labeeuw

Poor cinematography, poor soundtrack, in fact just plain poor all round. The only condition under which this movie should be watched is if you're completely plastered, but still having trouble getting to sleep... this film will do the trick.The use of gadgets and gizmo's is yet another aspect of this movie which has been badly mistreated, just there to fill space in between boring action sequences. In fact in that respect they are much like this paragraph, of no real use but still required by the movie industry so the back cover doesn't give a duration of 10 min which is really all the plot was good for.
