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Food Matters

Food Matters (2010)

October. 08,2010
| Documentary

With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide sickness industry and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally.


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I am just weighing in as another scientist (developmental biologist) who has had formal training in nutrition. I eat a extremely lean, unprocessed, whole food, mostly plant based diet and I take it nutritionally-supported health very seriously. I don't know everything but I know enough to know that this video is crap presented as science. PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEIR ADVICE!Text Text Text because my simple review is too short.More text text text, words words words. Reading this text is still less of a waste of time than this poor excuse for a 'documentary.'


This movie is outstanding. It should be mandatory to be shown to every one who cares about "health care" in the US. The cartel and money- driven actors in this massive industry are encouraged to let people get sick, and then treat them with expensive pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. "Specialists" MD's have become singularly minded in their patient interactions, such that anything that is complex, multi-system, and doesn't drive to an expensive procedure is brushed off an "unremarkable". Sick people and their families are often distraught not so much about their illnesses, but about the woeful "bedside manner" of so many doctors, who show little ability to think outside the box, let alone reinforce nutritional and wellness best practices at every turn. If the AMA and other medical industry organizations truly were effective and cared to truly "fix" the health outcomes of our 310 million citizens while dramatically lowering the costs associated to it, the look and feel of our mini-marts, supermarkets, fast food restaurants....and physical appearance of millions of Americans...would be much different.


A beautiful well-laid out, all covering documentary of the problems associated with diet and the real ways to heal everyone. I don't understand the ignorance of people when they still believe standard medicine will heal our modern days wealth related diseases. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that if modern medicine was successful we would not be having more deaths by cancer, diabetes, heart diseases etc. Also recommended: Diet for a new America Simply Raw The Beautiful Truth The Gerson Miracleand do not forget to read; The China Study Mad Cowboy Food Revolution


Nothing New Age about it! The types of people trying to get the message across that food matters, have been around for AGE's. It's just that most people can't handle the truth and choose to see it as new age baffle. A lot of emphasis goes on the Pharmaceuticals and money changers, but I think the public is just as much to blame for turning a blind eye.Is what it is...It tells the truth and most of the people telling it simply don't get the recognition they deserve as their credentials are not recognized by the very firms that poison us to begin with. How can they only 6% of doctors in medical schools are only being taught about the importance of nutrition.The System is a Joke and most people are laughing their way, to their own graves. Since viewing over 12 months ago I have personally recovered from a host of illnesses. Its change my life around and I know it's True.Well worth the watch, you'll be thankful you did!
