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DeadHeads (2011)

April. 29,2011
| Adventure Horror Comedy

Two inexplicably coherent zombies awake amidst a zombie attack and decide to take a road trip to find the one's lost love, unaware they are being chased by the agents of a ruthless company with its own agenda.


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If I could give this crap a score of zero, I would. I would however prefer to score it as a minus ten. The stink of this movie will never leave my DVD player or home. I love zombie movies, but this is not one of them. Everything, from the script to the acting is poor and forced, I've seen kindergarten school plays with better acting. It seems the only way they tried to spice this stinker up is by having some idiot in a ill-fitting yellow hazard suit dropping the f-bomb with gusto. If you want to watch a cheesy overacted horror movie, rather watch the original Evil Dead. At least it was never meant to be anything but cheesy and is still funny. Watch at your own peril, I had the burning feeling to scoop my brain out with a rusty teaspoon, but was unable to obtain one. God have mercy on your soul, should you ignore sound advice and still choose to watch this.


Let's be clear about it: the movie is a low-budged production. Considering that, it is actually not as bad as it could have been.Even though the upcoming zombie apocalypse is the new hotness these days, this one's on the lighter side of the subject. Apparently zombies are just normal people with normal problems: missed opportunities, lovesick and of course hungry for a road-trip.The story is pretty much about a guy what wants to get to his former girl and tell her that he loves her - in total spite of the fact that he's a zombie now. He picks up a few fellow travelers along the way and together they embark on a road-trip. All while some 'corporation' (remember Umbrella?) is hot on their rotting heels. In the end he confesses his 'undying' love. With the entire zombie backdrop it is fun to watch, but it leaves you here and there with a few blanks you got to fill in for yourself. The zombie outbreak is just a facade, if I may say so, to pepper the movie with some comic relief. However, the entire thing is so over-the-top that it is actually fun to watch. Several scenes are rather hilarious, while others leave you going: "WFT?" And that is the weak spot of it; at times neither the plot, nor the actions of certain characters seem to make sense. Therefore I deem it rather average, however funny enough to not turn it off mid-way. Give it a try for yourself and see how infectious it is.

Derek MacKay

I am huge zombie fan. I have seen all kinds of zombie movies, from the horrible house of the dead, to the amazing dawn of the dead, but Deadheads was something new for me. Deadheads is a romantic comedy (light on the romantic heavy on the comedy) coupled with a zombie movie. Deadheads looks at zombies in a non-traditional way that I thoroughly enjoy. Like other reviewers have said Deadheads does share a lot of similarities with Shaun of the Dead, but that being said it is also a lot different than Shaun of the Dead. The exception being that Markus Taylor's character Cheese shares a lot of traits with Nick Frost's character Ed (undead). Set from the point of view of zombies who can think and talk this movie brings a lot of laughs. This is a good movie for everyone to see, and everyone should see it. Overall great movie.

Tim (tim_sparks)

There are a BILLION zombie movies out there all the way from the truly excellent to the truly excrement. Some are just to show some nudity. Some are just to show someone's attempt at social commentary. Some are because some up and coming FX guy has a talent-boner he wants to thrust into our collective cosmic cine-a-vaginas. Or some video editing genius needs to show something for the 5,000 megazillion hours he spend on his awesome computer. In his momma's basement? Probably not but you get the point. Sometimes a movie comes along that manages to combine some comedy, some drama, some shennanigans, and some pathos. And give you a darn good zombie movie. When it does so on a modest budget it's all the more surprising.Deadheads is a movie like that. You have a nice twist on the genre at the start. I like how at one point the classic people in the house fighting off the outside zombie menace has two unique tweaks to the situation. I like how they actually add life to some of the characters that are not in the movie very long. I like how there wasn't 45 million dollars spent on CGI effects that ended up looking horrible.I like the over the top scenery chewing by.. I think his name is Dinkle or something.. the asshole with the mustache. The sidekick is a little over the top at times but it's always hard to get the formula perfectly right in a buddy movie like this one. They come pretty darn close.It didn't quite all tie up at the end perfectly, but it does quite a bit better than most zombie movies. It's no Walking Dead but it's certainly no Return of the Living Dead part 4 either!I watched it, I rather liked it, I'd even watch it again. It is NOT one of the multitude of Zombie DVDs that flies into the trash can amidst a hail of obscenities. Check it out! You'll be glad you did.My only gripe is: not enough nudity. As in No Nudity. Which makes my pants sad. So I gotta subtract 1 from its potential rating.
