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Blood & Donuts

Blood & Donuts (1995)

September. 09,1995
| Horror Comedy

In 1994, in Toronto, the vampire Boya awakens from his twenty-five years of sleep in a basement hit by a golf ball. He takes a cab to the local cemetery, retrieves his belongings from a grave and lodges in a low budget hotel nearby an all-night donut shop. Boya does not drink human blood anymore but rats and pigeons blood instead. While in the donut shop, Boya befriends and protects the taxi driver Earl, who is having trouble with two criminals, and falls in love for the waitress Molly. Meanwhile, his former passion of 1969, Rita, who misses her lost youth, is trying to locate him.


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Finally was able to track down a version of this, it was surprisingly good! A bisexual vampire named Boya is awakened from his sleep by a golf ball. He has not been awake since 1969, and marvels at his new surroundings. He does not feed on humans but instead on rats and animals. He meets up with a cab driver who is in trouble with some criminals, and a female donut shop worker who gets stuck in the middle. Befriending them both, they take on each others problems as he tries to protect them and at the same time endangers them by bringing them to the attention of an ex lover from years past, who has been seeking him since they parted. Now they must all form a bond of survival, instinct, passion, blood, and donuts.


One of the best vampire movies I've ever seen. It features average-looking people (as opposed to overly-glossed "beautiful" people), and the plot is solid. Moon-obsessed Boya is suicidal because all his relationships are doomed due to his unnatural lifespan and his refusal to create a permanent companion (despite an ex's pleadings for this exactly). The backdrop is Toronto, actually Toronto as Toronto, not Toronto as Detroit or whatever. David Cronenberg plays the crime-boss, who uses a bowling alley as his place of business. While the movie in its entirety is somber, there are funny bits: Rita being caught simulating a facelift by sneering customers, Boya's accordion (not a prominent part, watch for him digging up his possessions), Earl misinterpreting Boya's friendliness as a homosexual overture (in the scene when Earl gives Boya a new shirt), Rita admitting that her bullet wound was self-inflicted... The song "Twilight Time" is used as a theme song for Boya, and upon further consideration of the lyrics, I am almost positive The Platters may have been intentionally singing about a love affair with a vampire. When I first watched this film I was concerned that the quality of it would not be constant throughout, but it is: lots of symbolism, and the notion that things come full circle--the golf ball that awakens Boya is hit by the crime-boss, who is eventually killed by Boya, who has been carrying the golf ball as a symbol of his beloved moon, and Boya went to sleep to avoid the horror of people having walked on the moon's surface. This is a fantastic film.


I personally loved Blood & Donuts. Yes, it was 'low budget', but it didn't matter. It was a mix of comedy and horror drama. There were some very amusing parts, and some very heartbreaking parts. All together the movie was wonderful


After 25 years of slumber, a vampire is awakened by a golf ball crashing through his window and hitting him. What to do? Hang out at the local donut shop and fall in love...So the film has vampires, mobsters, a cab driver trying to sound like Christopher Walken. People have been saying it's a horror film! NO! It's a comedy! No! Therein lies the problem people have with this film. They can't place it. So look a little more into this film and you'll see that it's basically a character study, and a rather touching one after it's been viewed. If one can put aside the supernatural element and mob storyline, it's about a few people trying to find their reason for living and how those are affected as they cross paths with each other. The element of the vampire's selfless act of self-sacrifice is both heartbreaking and immensely touching at the same time. All the other elements are there to make the story weird and of course entertaining. All in all it turns out to be quite a charming story when you understand the characters. Blood & Donuts is a unique find and one of my personal favorites. I've never seen anything quite like it!
