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The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears (2013)

August. 12,2013
| Horror Thriller

A woman vanishes. Her husband inquires into the strange circumstances of her disappearance. Did she leave him? Is she dead? As he goes along searching, he plunges into a world of nightmare and violence...


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In this case it is style over substance. There is something hidden and you may be able to decrypt it. But if you don't you'll either still love it or you will be annoyed by the fact that it's nothing like anything else you've watched the last couple of years. The movie always challenges you and even when you think you figured it out, there is something coming up muddling the water.It's a tough sell for some, but an easy if you want to watch something that is not explainable. Even if I wanted to tell you the story, I wouldn't be able to. It's about a man and a woman. Or is it? It's about one apartment ... but is it? It's about a detective ... or is he? If Dario Argento actually would have evolved and he had some artistic flair, he might have been the one doing these movies. As it is, we get this couple, who might not want to explain what they were thinking when they made the movie, but we know they had a master plan ... is it enough for you to enjoy though?


Since I saw this one in a cinema (and sat in the middle otherwise I would have left) I had not only to endure the chaotic and annoyingly bad script. I also had to suffer from the annoying sound effects/music at quite a high volume which I think is on purpose. I also had to endure the chaotic visuals which seems to have been made by randomly using different effects to make it "arty".When leaving the cinema I had the feeling I never ever wanted to see another movie again. Now after a good nights sleep I mustered the energy to try to share this horrible experience to help people avoid this "movie", which might be THE worst movie experience I have ever had, but I settle with saying that it is among the worst, even though I cannot recall any worse that I have had.Avoid it.

Kyle Gnarly

I find myself a bit baffled that so many reviewers chalk this up to artistic nonsense. The best way to approach this film remains simple: this is a throwback to the trippy days of giallo film, with a very, very attentive approach to more than just blood, guts, and gore on the screen. Sure, the audience will easily be able to identify the simplest features from the genre in and of itself--the obsession with eyes, the black leather gloves, the obscene colors for effect--but this gem really includes so much more. This film makes you think. It challenges your preconceived notions of traditional, and let's call it what it is, boring storytelling; in fact, the story itself refuses to follow a linear path, which may cause those that refuse to step outside of their comfort zone a bit of anxiety--then again, that's wonderful, because it's nearly impossible to not feel anxious during this presentation. This film refuses to tiptoe on the wild side like so many others do/did/will continue to do with the thriller genre, and you really must go into this experience knowing you'll be back for more.I remember seeing the directors' entry into the ABCs of Death and found myself infatuated with the cinematography. This film only furthers my appreciation for their contribution to our craft. Pair this with the attention to sound, musically and via effects, and, well, you have The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears.Many of the scenes throughout the film require a second viewing; in fact, I found myself personally stopping the film on multiple occasions to watch given scenes over and over again. The use of color throughout, paired with the fantastic angles and lighting, really does bring on back to the days when Argento reigned supreme. That being said, and the reason this cannot be a full-on 10/10, simply boils down to the directors doing a bit too much in such a short span of time, but I just so happen to enjoy the obscene imagery. I've already recommended this film to practically everyone that I know, and I genuinely suggest you give this one a shot. Any film that I feel Kubrick would even wonder what's going on is solid in my book. Grab a glass of wine, maybe two, after you've seen the opening 10 minutes, and just enjoy yourself. This is what true film is all about. Some will chalk this up to the artsy nonsense that they personally do not enjoy, but I can and continually will stand by this film for breaking from the traditional mold and reinventing the thriller genre in my eyes. The colors, folks... The colors...


This type of movie has a name : masturbation! A bad mix between Belgian "arty" cinema, Lynch, Cronenberg, … without talent! And most of all without script!This is typical of directors who want to show their visual talent without any idea of a story to tell.And don't get abused, you won't see anything that you haven't before. Even on the visual aspect talent is not a word that concerns that movie. More technical abilities we should say… so what's the point???Yes gentlemen directors of this movie (if we shall call it so); go and see Videodrome! That's a weird visual movie, yes! But it has a script, yes!The worst in all this is that people get money to spend to do that kind of things. It is a BAD thing for Belgian cinema!Avoid!!!
