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A Summer's Tale

A Summer's Tale (1996)

June. 05,1996
| Drama Comedy Romance

A shy maths graduate takes a holiday in Dinard before starting his first job. He hopes his sort-of girlfriend will join him, but soon strikes up a friendship with another girl working in town. She in turn introduces him to a further young lady who fancies him. Thus the quiet young lad finds he is having to do some tricky juggling in territory new to him.


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Oh, how the ease of immediate communication, whenever, wherever, has changed in the 20 years since the setting of this film. And yet, some things remain the same...In Éric Rohmer's "A Summer's Tale," Gaspard has just completed a graduate degree in mathematics and during the short end-of-summer weeks before he is to start his new job, he heads to a small village on the northern coast of Brittany with a mutually-agreed but vague plan to meet the object of his infatuation, Léna. The timing of her arrival is uncertain and she has left no way for him to be in contact.And so he passes the days idly looking for her as he goes to the beach, walks, and dines at a local restaurant--where he catches the eye of the waitress, Margot. Later Margot spots Gaspard on the beach and flirtatiously engages him in conversation, which is the start of a series of get-togethers during which the two talk about past, current and unrequited loves. A third woman, Solène, enters the picture when Gaspard catches her eye at a party and she later invites him to visit with her family.Léna finally arrives, and, when she and Gaspard meet by chance, she apologizes for her inability to announce the arrival, while dismissively adding that they found each other. It is apparent that Gaspard's interest is not reciprocated by Léna and thus begins a merry-go-round of meetings with each of the women, to further discuss love and plans to spend time together which lead nowhere.Gaspard is handsome but nearly feckless in persuading any of the women in getting what he wants, and so he broods. And he caves to the various demands and flighty changes of plans by the women, to the end, when he makes a final decision of his own choosing which does not accede to any of the women's.The circumstances of chance, planned and thwarted meetings and the way they play out is free of any false notes. The demands, the manipulations, the vacillations, Gaspard's palpable desperation are all artfully projected and utterly convincing. You feel at one time or other you have experienced some of the same confusion, frustration or angst, and you probably have.The film is dialogue- and situation-driven. While some of the depicted Breton coastline is picturesque, there are no sweeping vistas captured. There is little in the setting to seduce the eye, the film feels low budget, and in fact, it likely could have been filmed anywhere scenic to similar effect, a credit to the script and acting.The principal shortcoming is that the moping Gaspard is an uncompelling figure and so too are the women, two of whom are self-centered and manipulative. Only the infectious Margot displays redeeming qualities. It is a struggle to care what happens to any of the characters or how the story resolves itself.Also, there are brief moments in two or three scenes in which direction of the actors seems apparent--one, for example, when Léna meets Gaspard on the beach before she castigates him and her body is nearly fully turned toward camera versus more partly to him, never mind the nonverbal language of dismissive rejection, and another during the all close-up footage of her and Gaspard playing volleyball.In sum, a well-acted, well-scripted film, recommended for those who might have liked Richard Linklater's "Before Sunrise" and its two sequels.


Summer. A boy. Three girls. And some small decisions. A delicate vision about the form of gesture. About self-definition. And about the things who makes a way more than intention. It may be understand as love-story, comedy or french movie who describe nothing with a rain of words. But, in fact, is only a mirror. An insignificant question about life as spider web. And definition of love's nuances. At first sight, the problems presented are parts of a single age. In fact, they are only roots. Minimalistic and refreshing, as a summer morning, it is a good occasion to define personal word and causes of decisions. Slowly, at leisure. A phone call may be the perfect answer.

Andres Salama

One of Rohmer's best. Gaspard (Melvil Poupaud) takes a month long vacation to a beach in Normandy, waiting for his more or less official girlfriend, the somewhat snotty Lena (Aurelia Nolin), to come. While waiting for her, he befriends the waitress and aspiring anthropologist Margot (Rohmer regular Amanda Langlet). Eventually, a relationship between the two develops, which seems to consists almost exclusively of long talks in the beach. But this is not all, since he soon also meets the somewhat promiscuous (but "principled") Solene (Gwaenelle Simon) in a disco. When Lena finally arrives to the resort, more than halfway into the movie, he finally finds himself in the position of having to choose one of the three. Rohmer would want us to think that Margot would be the best choice, and is difficult to disagree, since she's so charming and so willing to listen to him and even put up with him. It's amazing how Rohmer (who was in his late 70s when he directed this) is able to portray realistically how young people talk and interact. The final decision by Gaspard was a bit of a disappointment, but it was probably the more realistic possibility.


Not everyone will agree with my above comment but I thought this film was very entertaining. This is the third Eric Rohmer film I have seen (the others being "Summer" and "Claire's Knee") and I thought those were quite entertaining, too. The one thing I like about Rohmer is it feels like he just took a camera and filmed real people. That might not be everyone's taste but I enjoy it.
