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Revanche (2008)

October. 22,2008
| Drama Crime Romance

Ex-con Alex plans to flee to the South with his girl after a robbery. But something terrible happens and revenge seems inevitable.


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Some reviewers seem to think Revanche is a failure as a 'thriller.' Of course, this merely identifies their failure as viewers. Revanche is not remotely a thriller, or a crime drama, or a tale of revenge, or suspense. It's more a story of lost love, of sorrow and regret. And - as the title cleverly implies - of *possible* redemption.As I watched Revanche, I inevitably formed certain ideas about where it was headed. Each of those ideas was in turn dispelled. Only late in the experience did I see where the director was taking me, a conclusion of perfect, poetic inevitability. You literally have to see the whole film to properly know what it's about.Yes, Revanche is EXTREMELY low-key and slow-paced. It helps if you realize that its real content is not in the action at all - it's in the silences between actions. It's in the mood, in the elegant photography. Focus your attention there and you'll soon realize that this is essentially a simple story, told simply and economically. (To say more would be to give away too much.)Obviously, you do need to have some patience to enjoy a story that unravels so slowly and subtly. But if you do, you'll be rewarded beyond your expectations.


Absolute brilliance. If I could issue a score of 15 out of 10 I would.The tight script which has interwoven the characters into a long and taught braid is supported by pristinely framed and painted shots, trance inducing sustains where needed, meaningfully placed reoccurring motifs, superbly crafted diegetic sound-scape's, and sublime acting. Well done and thank you to the director, actors and crew for bringing this superb experience into existence. It knocked my socks off. I don't recall there being any score either so this is quite unusual. The colors are so perfect, every shot a painting. And sound, I recall the wind over the pond. Powerful emotional resonance.Thanks again.


There are a lot of "second chances" in this Oscar nominated film.Alex (Johannes Krisch) wants to give Tamara (Irina Potapenko) a second chance to escape her life of prostitution. He wants a second chance after being released from jail and robs a bank to get it. He also wants a second chance with his father (Johannes Thanheiser).Unfortunately, life is what happens when you are making other plans, and the encounter with the policeman Robert (Andreas Lust) ruins Alex's plans.Revanche also means "revenge." You can see the slow burning of Alex as he broods over the loss of Tamara. Circumstance has it that his father lives right next door to the policemen. Even when the policeman's wife Susanne (Ursula Strauss) tries to get intimate with him, he has sex, but treats her like dirt.What Alex doesn't realize until he and Robert meet is that Robert is grieving as much as he is. He shot Tamara by accident and is aching over her death.There was some outstanding acting by all the characters in this film. It really was worthy of the Academy Award. Too bad it had to go up against Okuribito.


Exceedingly slow after the midpoint though fairly engaging until then, the film isn't really worth the time. When the hero loses his girl, he loses too his reason for pushing any action and the second half of the film is exceedingly slow and unaffecting. There is absolutely no dramatic tension because the main character is too desolate to pose any real threat; the more he waits, and waits, the more we realize he's not going to take action against his perceived enemy. The affair that arises feels believable enough, just, but again, it's a slow-paced, dissolute relationship that should add tension to the story but because of the director's inability to maintain any real dramatic pressure, doesn't. Long languid takes of chopping wood dissipate the mood as does the general pacing which actually seems to slow as the movie progresses – the exact opposite of a thriller, or indeed any movie that wants to hold your attention. Wildly overrated by the press and other viewers. Skip it or you will regret the time wasted.
