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Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie

Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie (1982)

July. 03,1982
| Adventure Animation Action Science Fiction

Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Bowie, but then finds himself drawn into a complex struggle over the fate of a mysterious wandering planet.


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This 1982 feature version of the manga and television series Space Adventure Cobra is a visual stunner with plenty of 1970s experimental flair and psychedelic imagery. Such a shame it is paired with a messy and problematic story, not to mention characters who barely seem to possess much agency or personality outside of their functions in the overall plot.Aside from Cobra himself, who comes across like the love child of Han Solo and Lupin III, everyone else has minimal characterization. The story is nuts, like Star Wars meets James Bond meets metaphysical weirdness. And breasts, lots of breasts. Feminists like myself will no doubt find issue with the way the love interests center their existences around obeying and serving their "one true love," but the whole thing comes across as clueless rather than malignant in whatever intent it was going for in that regard, at least I hope so.Ah but who cares about the plot? Just watch for the pretty animation and crazy sci-fi action. If that is all you need and you've got a group of like-minded chums to spend two hours with, this is a great option.


I felt compelled to write a review for Space Cobra as it has received a good score of 7.3 stars but only a few of the reviews at the time of me writing this were particularly positive. A strange situation and hopefully my positive review will point people towards this old and mostly forgotten Anime movie. Space cobra is the funky tale of a smuggler and rogue who becomes involved with the three sisters of an ancient and dead planet and an evil force who wants to harness the planets powers. This is an old movie and the animation shows, but what it lacks in modern sophistication it makes up with an abundance of charm. Space Cobra is very much geared to a western audience and very easy to watch. There are few if any references to specific Japanese culture and great for Anime novices to watch and enjoy. Space Cobra himself is witty and likable. I cannot say how much of this is due to the English dub or the intentions of the maker, but this is one of the few Japanese comedy characters that I find truly funny. The style is very sixties Barbarellish with a fantastic soundtrack by Yello. The style is colourful and imaginative and there is constant action to move the story along. The strangest aspect of this movie is how it begins as a comedy and ends on a very downbeat dramatic note. I cannot think of another Anime or general movie that has been able to do this so seamlessly and convincingly. You barely realise that it is happening, but it is done so subtly and seems perfectly natural. You also really feel the characters went on a journey and they're lives were changed by the whole experience. Check out if you can.


This anime was underrated and still is. Hardly the dorky kids movie as noted, i still come back to this 10 years after i first saw it. One of the better movies released.The animation while not perfect is good, camera tricks give it a 3D feel and the story is still as good today even after i grew up and saw ground-breakers like Neon Genesis Evangelion and RahXephon. It has nowhere near the depth obviously but try to see it from a lighthearted view. It's a story to entertain, not to question.Still one of my favourites I come back too when i feel like a giggle on over more lighthearted animes. Not to say its a childish movies, there are surprisingly sad moments in this and you need a sense of humour to see it all.


This I tell you, is something for kids in the beginning of their teens, of how the future is about. Yes, it's SciFi, but it's oh sooo cool. atleast when you're a kid..I still remembered when I was a little dorky little kid, I adore this movies.. Hey, at the age of 10yrs of age, DO NOT FEEL ASHAME!!!! It's friggen natural! I know I didn't feel any realness at that age, and I was set aside, a little under developed when compared to other kidz, when it came to anim cartoons. DO NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT ANY DUDE SAYS! You need this if you're anything like me, a fututristic designer, a dreamer, someone who has a feeling for design in a futuristic maner.. This thing is for your own development! Believe me... I'm one of you guys...
