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The Loveless

The Loveless (1982)

March. 19,1982
| Drama

Trouble ensues when a motorcycle gang stops in a small southern town while heading to the races at Daytona.


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Scott LeBrun

Willem Dafoe earned his first starring role in this somewhat obscure biker film that also marked the filmmaking debut for future A list director Kathryn Bigelow ("Point Break", "The Hurt Locker"). Dafoe plays Vance, one of a bunch of bikers that stop over in a small town on their way to some races in Daytona. Unsurprisingly, they shake up the local populace, despite the fact that as some movie depictions of bikers go, they're kind of on the tame side.While there are some appreciable exploitable elements (namely, nudity), "The Loveless" is indeed much more mood piece than action film. It does capture a certain slice of Americana at a certain time (the 1950s), when outsiders and rebels such as Vance and company were treated with suspicion. It's not completely without humor, but is also not afraid to get pretty grim and tragic. Excellent location shooting and local flavor help to make this feel authentic. Bigelow and her co-writer / co-director Monty Montgomery, who went on to work with David Lynch on a couple of projects ('Twin Peaks', "Wild at Heart", etc.), get able performances out of their mostly no-name, regional cast. Dafoe shows definite screen presence and charisma in this early showcase, while Tina L'Hotsky has plenty of appeal as the young sportster driving girl who catches Vances' eye. One of the co-stars is Robert Gordon, who's pretty good himself; he's been an icon in the rockabilly genre and naturally also composed much of the score.Highlighted by a literate, philosophical script by Bigelow and Montgomery.Seven out of 10.


I love Near Dark, and consider it an absolute classic vampire movie....right up at the top of the list of the best, but this film. Whew! What can I say? A boring biker movie? Yeah, and then some. It's all talk and no action.I stayed with it to the end, hoping for a big finish, but it didn't happen. I guess I had worked myself up for a big Tarantino-like shootout in the bar, and it was over almost too soon to catch, if you blinked. Too bad. At least a blood bath at the end might have given me something to enjoy.I'm also a big fan of Willem Defoe, and he's very good in what little he does. One could still see the potential for greatness that would follow.I guess what really disappointed me the most was that I wasn't convinced that this was a real biker gang at all, just actors pretending to be bikers. They talk a lot, smoke cigarettes a lot, and drink beer a lot, but there's no real tension here, and ultimately the "bikers" turn out to be about like everyone else. There's no rumbles, no fights, just talking....long periods of talking.Still, if she never makes another movie, Katherine Bigelow can at least say that she made the best vampire movie ever produced. Near Dark rocks.


1959: A gang of bikers en route to Daytona, Florida who include the surly, disaffected Vance (a smoothly self-assured performance by Willem Dafoe in his film debut) and restless hothead Davis (nicely played by rockabilly icon Robert Gordon) are forced to make an unwanted pit stop in a sleepy Southern hamlet when one biker has engine trouble with his chopper. Complications ensue when Vance becomes involved with tempting teen tramp Telena (a splendidly brassy'n'sassy turn by the cute Marin Kanter), which doesn't go over well with the extremely uptight and intolerant square townspeople.Written and directed by Kathryn ("Near Dark," "Blue Steel") Bigelow and Monty Montgomery (who later produced "Twin Peaks" and "Wild at Heart"), "The Loveless" sure ain't your average trashy B-biker exploitation action romp. Instead it's something much better and more ambitious: a beautifully brooding, stylish and intriguing existential mood piece that's rich in a pungently evocative atmosphere that exquisitely seethes with barely suppressed menace, violence, despair, ennui, malaise, sexuality and homo-eroticism. Doyle Smith's gorgeously glossy, gleaming cinematography, the uniformly excellent acting, the vivid and meticulous recreation of the 50's, Robert Gordon's fantastic rockabilly score, the cool hepcat slang ("We got the scratch"), the deliberately slow pace, and the strikingly grim and tragic conclusion further strengthen the potent and intoxicating spell this film casts on the viewer, sucking you in with a masterful ease that's truly something to behold. This is the kind of supremely subtle and low-key picture which initially doesn't seem like much as you watch it, but has an uncanny way of sticking with you long after you see it.


Kathryn Bigelow made a name for her self as one to watch with this moody loose remake of The Wild One. A gang of bikers rides into a slow back water town for a pit stop to be received by a suspicious town folk. Stylish and very cool Dafoe as the leader of the bikers is charismatic and very watchable. Recommended.
