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Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)

April. 12,1985
| Comedy Music Romance Family

Janey is new in town, and soon meets Lynne, who shares her passion for dancing in general, and "Dance TV" in particular. When a competition is announced to find a new Dance TV regular couple, Janey and Lynne are determined to audition. The only problem is that Janey's father doesn't approve of that kind of thing.


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Growing up in the 80's I'm not sure how I missed this film, but when I saw the cast or Parker, Hunt, and Doherty, along with the promise of a great soundtrack I was definitely curious to check it out recently. There is a fun and positive overall energy to the production that I enjoyed and appreciated. However, the script is so predictable and poorly written that nothing can really save it. The direction is also weak and despite all the good energy, much of the acting is pretty bad as well.


(Flash Review)Impetus for viewing: Netflix was going to remove it from streaming soon. So I checked this one off my pure 80's list to reduce ridicule for having not yet seen it. Hahaha Awash in happy, bold and garish 80's styles, this is a movie about a dance competition. Parker's character is a dynamite dancer and against her father's wishes and knowledge enters a partner dance competition with a dude who wears a leather jackets and rides a motorcycle. Cue teenage rebellion plot line as well as fake forced emotional scenes. I was surprised the music wasn't better, no big hits and with this title for the movie, didn't even use Cindy Lauper's (sp) original song version. She wouldn't allow it. Ha. The cinematography is boring and isn't used to accentuate any scenes. It was strange to see Helen Hunt as a giddy teenager since she now plays very reserved characters.


Hi....I just signed up b/c I have been a fan of this movie since I was like 7 and have been re-watching it again, and it provoked me to do some researching....but having no luck....wondered if anyone can tell me how I can find the soundtrack? It says in the credits that it is available by Mercury Records, but this was in 1984! I've made the mistake of probably signing myself up for three or four diff. music download things, none of which found any of the songs, and they really can lift me up when I hear them b/c they remind me of the movie...Amazon pulls up nothing either...anyone know how I might do this? I LOVE THIS MOVIE!


Perfect mindless entertainment! A relic from gen-x girls' past... if you can laugh at the spectacular awfulness of it (and stop looking for a Sex in the City prequel) then this movie is nothing but 80's super-stylized fun.Not only are the ridiculous dancing, music and clothes entertaining on their own, but you get to see critically acclaimed actors attempt to glamorize it all, back when they were at the bottom of the industry food chain. Place this one next to Dirty Dancing and Footloose. Highly recommended to anyone who grew up in the 80's!
