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Promise Me This

Promise Me This (2007)

May. 26,2007
| Comedy Romance

An old man named Zivojin Markovic, living in a remote village prays for his grandson Cane to go to the city, sell his cow and bring back a wife. In the city he is supposed to meet up with his grandfather's stepbrother, but this man is dead. Instead, he meets this man's two grandsons, two good-natured brothers who are nevertheless small-time criminals and experts in demolition. Cane soon clicks with these men, and also falls in love with a schoolgirl (Jasna), who he wants to marry as part of his testament with his grandfather. He gets involved in this girl's family affairs, rescuing both her and her mother from prostitution and gangsters headed by a man called Bajo, and the new group of people return to the small village in time to celebrate Zivojin's wedding to his neighbor, despite the gangsters' best efforts to stop the celebration, which results in a double wedding.


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It takes a Serbian or at least a Balkan familiarity to understand and enjoy many of the situations, characters and jokes of 'Zavet' as well as of many other films of Kusturica. See for example the opening scenes, with the remote village in the Serbian mountains, with the low-tech devices that defend the integrity and way of life of the inhabitants, the nostalgia for the good days of the Communist rule, and the awakening of the young brat watching his nude teacher at the sounds of the Soviet hymn. Kusturica not only tries to depart from the tragic history of Serbia described in his previous movies, but creates a whole world of himself in the process.This is not a political film or not an explicit political film in any case. It's a fun film before all. Kusturica creates a set of characters that we care about. Music plays an active role in this film same as in all his other movies. His style is direct and grotesque, we now what he feels about his characters and we know that he wants us to feel the same. The space he develops melds present, history and magic, and the colours seem to be of a Douanier Rousseau of modern cinema.This is not a perfect film either. The principal flaw is the length, some editing and shortening would have been useful, as at some point in time the director seems to have run out of ideas and repetitions show up. It is yet one of the most catching, amusing, moving films that I have seen lately.


The movie celebrates life.The world is setting itself for the innocent and the pure souls and everything has "Happy End", just like in the closing scene of the movie.The movie has wonderful soundtrack, mixture of Serbian neofolk, Gypsy music and jazz.This movie is very refreshing piece of visual poetics.The watching experience is like you've been sucked in another colorful, romantic and sometimes rough world.Like Mr. Kusturica movie should be.


Not for people without swift mind or without a drop of Balkan blood in their veins. If You don't have any of these You can not understand it. And if you don't understand, you can't enjoy it. :) For example if you think Picasso is a name of a car produced by Citroen, probably if you see a Picasso's painting you just will walk by it, deciding that it's a trash-work of some street painter. :) So do not judge, before trying to understand it :) In the end i think it's a MUST for every one with open minds. Still my N1 remains The Shawshank Redemption! And remember that not all things can be put in frames. Because there are things in this world, that any frame just won't fit.


I started to watch this movie with great expectation although I had some fears too. In my opinion Kusturica together with Almodovar is among the most creative directors in Europe. Movies like Time of the Gypsies, Underground, Black Cat, White Cat are so rich, so imaginative that I don't hesitate to call them masterpieces. That's the reason why I was expectant. I was afraid because Life is a Miracle though still being quite a fascinating work already showed some signs of artistic crisis. I had at times impression that the director started to lack ideas which resulted in self-citing.Zavet was even more disappointing. It is well watchable still, has some really good moments but never comes to the point of truth, never reaches the poetical heights and freshness of Kusturica's above mentioned masterworks. what was surprising for me that even humor in this movie is quite flat. At times you feel that you are supposed to laugh but it is not funny at all. For example that flying guy from the circus canon. In the beginning it was somehow promising, I even had reminiscences of the red balloon from Arizona Dreams but after all there was no development and the end of the episode was unconvincing.Zavet can still be enjoyable experience, especially for Kusturica's fans and indeed it is well worth watching as it is a hotchpotch of the director's hallmark elements but those seeking high artistic inspiration probably won't be satisfied
