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Killing Hitler

Killing Hitler (2003)

March. 30,2003
| Drama Documentary War TV Movie

A drama-documentary about Operation Foxley, a 1944 British plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler.


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Regarding Phoonominal's review of this excellent drama-documentary, he (I presume) is substantially incorrect about the role of women in SIS.In WW2, SIS recruited from all circumstances, anyone who could contribute to the cause would be eligible.Consequently there were a fair number of women in executive positions, including planning.In several cases women ran entire networks for SIS, e.g. Marie Fouchard.(The same is true of SOE, particularly in the field).So, my recommendation is to ignore Phoonominal's ill-informed guesswork and watch this terrific, well-acted and fact-based production.

Donald Buehler

If you are a serious student of WW II - and like tense dramas - this is the film for you. Produced by the BBC "Killling Hitler" studies the little known "Operation Foxley" - a planned attempt to kill Hitler. Extracted from British intelligence files it follows the story of a British officer referred to a L/BX - who was challenged to devise a way to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This mentions some of the numerous actual attempts to assassinate Hitler (best portrayed in "Hitler's Bodyguard") a multiple film series which describes the many attempts to kill Hitler and how he almost miraculously escaped all of them, of course which just added to his belief that he was immortal.The filming of "Killing Hitler" juxtaposes a very realistic portrayal of the very stressful process of devising a way to kill Hitler, with the political infighting between various British organizations - SOE (Special Operations Executive) and the SIS ( Secret Intelligence Service). The story moves quickly building up quite a lot of suspense - especially for an event which never happened.The debate as to whether it was even desirable to kill Hitler is an interesting sidelight to the story. (He was such a terrible military tactician that many thought it was better to let him continue to lead his forces to disaster.) NOTE: the latest Military History Quarterly - Vol 26 #4 - places almost equal blame on the German General Staff for the military fiascoes.The other fascinating element in the movie is the dialogue/analysis of a group of eminent historians and military analysts who are discussing the possibility of the various schemes which are part of Operation Foxley's evolving plans. Then lend additional credibility to the story and give an interesting "after the fact" perspective to the historical drama.The DVD I saw had an additional bonus material which described the work of Walter C. Langer who was commissioned to develop a psychological profile of Hitler. I also enjoyed this film - also well done and the speculative analysis which they worked out in 1943 seems to carry water. If you are a WWII fan - these films are worth the time.


What hits you first and foremost in a documentary found on the Yesterday channel (akin to any History channel) is the style of this doc. The constant switching between dramatisation and reality is not something you see often, especially not when the dramatisation is an almost film noire type style. Add to that a somewhat fancy "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" shooting style and a full sequence of events that fools viewers into thinking they are watching something that had really happened (only to be told at the end of it that all of that never occurred) and have you have one odd documentary. It seems it is about what could have been a sensational discovery (the knowledge of these scheme was unknown until 1994!) yet does not really deliver anything sensational. Therefore it is too long and an hour on this topic would do. I enjoyed nevertheless and I think director Lovering loved directing this one too...


This is a drama-documentary, dealing with the operation that set out to form a feasible plot to kill Hitler. It features actual footage from the time, someone who was actually there and speaks about it today, narration, and lastly, a group of experts, and actors playing real people involved in the planning in portions set during the time that the ideas were being gone over, both sitting around tables and discussing if this or that way could work, and, of utmost importance, if it would hurt, or benefit, the Nazi cause to go through with the assassination. OK, the last-mentioned group are seen doing other things, as well. This is all inter-cut, and there are times where this seems like it's scared of boring you. Some of the cinematography and editing is a tad flashy. The majority of this is great, though, and it can't be denied that this is well-made, and with impressive production value. Its running time is about forty-some minutes long for both of the episodes, so almost 100 total, or not much less than two hours. The performances are solid. This is interesting and informative. I recommend this to anyone who wants to know about the historical event that, in this case, *didn't* transpire. 7/10
