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10.0 Earthquake

10.0 Earthquake (2014)

October. 15,2014
| Adventure Drama Action

Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.


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Gordon Davie

A good film makes you care if its characters live or die. With a bad film, you don't care. This film's characters are so obnoxious (especially the teenagers) that I was actually hoping they would die. The fact that some did is the only time this film broke away from the disaster film formula: introduce some people, show the problems they're having in their lives, then hit them with a major earthquake/fire/meteor strike/whatever so that when they come out the other side they realise their problems aren't so important after all. This one ticked all the boxes. I was surprised by the ending, though - there wasn't one. The film just stopped shortly after the hero had apparently saved the day. I was convinced that the TV station had missed off the final reel of the film, but no - that was it. I rewound and there were actually a couple of lines of dialogue to confirm that the plan (which incidentally was doing the opposite of what they had been trying to do five minutes earlier) had actually worked, though they seemed to accept this really quickly, on the basis of a few sketchy reports. Still, if there had been another ten minutes of story that would have been even more of my life that I'll never get back.


This movie was just awful! I think the director and the actors need to give up their careers! I don't even know how this movie got out!Don't ever spend a second on this movie!!!But the plus side is it was funny watching actors that look like Donald Trump and Morgan Freeman!(please take notes). And the way people died out of nowhere was hilarious. Also, using images from day after tomorrow was a failure. You guys would have done better by calling the director of day after tomorrow for their actors and their help. I am pretty sure LA is disappointed in this disaster. I will give you an N for trying! But next time please get help from a professional.

xeta prime

I'll give this a 7. Seems like everyone else has this at a 2 or below. Okay, why? Cons: Cliché, cliché, cliché. Won't give anything away but it is true, this movie if full of clichés. But if you ask me the pros ain't so bad. Pros: The dialogue and screenplay save this movie. There are a few solid laugh- out-loud moments in the writing department. Don't want to give them away but this is not by far as bad as some are saying. And I do cherish LOL when it happens. The effects, I've seen worse. Granted this was seen on a computer monitor but still, fine with me, I knew what I was getting into. Did I mention clichés? Yeah, if they had, for example, made this person not the baddie...? Or... And the acting was above par for a disaster movie and if it weren't for some of the clichés the characters would have been even better- but even with the clichés I think job well done. Mind you I'm grading a 7 on TV disaster fair. And of course a few glasses of wine helps too.


Please, please, please, please, please don't waste another second of your life on this film. Worst thing I have ever seen. Ever. Starts badly, badly written, badly acted, worst CGI I have ever seen, unrealistic in almost every way possible and then ends badly. I can't believe any of the actors read the script and thought, yes, this is a good script and I want to be in the film. I should have known when I noticed how bad the opening credits were that this would be terrible. Please let me use that 75 minutes of wasted time to stop you from doing so. Half of the city is falling down and on fire and people are still climbing trees with chain saws??? I am now out of words to describe this film. Just bad, don't watch it.
