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Racing Extinction

Racing Extinction (2015)

January. 24,2015
| Adventure Documentary

An unlikely team of activists and innovators hatches a bold mission to save endangered species.


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This is a must watch for anyone remotely interested in sustainability or other issues related to Global warming and the future. Even if you aren't an environmentally conscious person you should watch it to realize how much the media sways us. (Great documentary-a must watch).

Jackson Booth-Millard

I only found out about this documentary film because it was nominated at the Oscars, it didn't really matter to me which one it was, but reading about the film, it did sound quite interesting actually. Basically scientists predict that by the end of the century we may lose half of the species of animals on the planet, they believe we have entered the sixth major extinction event in the history of the Earth. The first was the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction, the second was the Late Devonian mass extinction, the third was the Permian mass extinction, the fourth was the Triassic- Jurassic mass extinction and the fifth was the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction. The current potential extinction era is called the Anthropocene, or 'Age of Man', because it is humanity that has caused catastrophic loss, mankind are the only ones that can stop it as well. The Oceanic Preservation Society are voicing for the thousands of species on the very edge of life, and an unlikely team of activists are out to expose the two worlds most endangering species across the globe, these being international wildlife trading, and the oil and gas pollution. Director Louie Psihoyos leads this ambitious mission to call attention to our impact on the planet, and inspire others to embrace solutions that will ensure a thriving planet with thousands of remaining animal species for future generations. It is a film with a poignant message about rescuing creatures of all kinds, focusing especially on the legalities of how shark fin soup is made and the pollution unseen to the human eye brought to life, but there is also the part of you can enjoy the great colour and beauty of the world that we are trying to put right, an interesting environmental documentary. It was nominated the Oscar for Best Original Song for "Manta Ray". Good!

Ornlu Wolfjarl

The message contained in this documentary is a very important one and it should be watched and understood by as many people as possible. The problem is that the direction of it is kind of dull. It jumps from point to point without much cohesion. It doesn't contain anything you haven't heard before. I found the editing to be a little choppy, cutting off interviews mid-sentence to show us an image then continuing half a minute later. Nitpicky stuff, I know, but they can become distracting.The more serious issue, for me, is that we have a very good presentation of the problem, but we have very little talk about solutions to the problem other than "don't give in and be hopeful and come help us protest". Which is a good reaction, but not a good solution.It's more of a sensationalist presentation that will try to sensitize you into action, rather than break down the problem and possible solutions to it. It brings a breath of naive hopefulness with it, accompanied with profound sadness, which make for a good combination.If you are interested in the more in-depth aspects of environmental dangers we face today, then I suggest you find another documentary to watch, such as The Corporation, Earth, Crude Awakening and others.


As we race headlong into our 6th Extinction, we delude ourselves into thinking there's something we can do about it. Kyaktivists are already patting themselves on the back for having "done their part" to keep the Oilygarchy from drilling in the Arctic. Unfortunately, as well-intentioned and as laudable their efforts might be, it's all too little, too late. The REAL reason the Oilygarchy gave up on the notion of drilling for oil in the Arctic was this: as RACING EXTINCTION clearly shows, there's enough Methane frozen in the ice to wipe Mankind off the face of the Earth FOREVER. We see a block of ice being excavated and, within it, a veritable Diorama of Death: Frozen Methane gas (ironically enough, looking not unlike the kind of mushroom cloud one sees when an Atomic Bomb is detonated). Knowing that drilling will unleash enough Methane to kill all Life on this planet, the Oilygarchs backed off- but the Russians HAVEN'T: they fully intend to drill in the Arctic. Of course, it's possible they may decide NOT to drill there... but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you...
