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The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer

The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer (2010)

December. 07,2010
| Adventure Fantasy Animation Comedy

The amazing story of Daniel, a dolphin who abandons the safety of his pod to explore the ocean and discover the true purpose of his life.


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I don't know where to start?? This movie was THE single worst movie I've seen in my life(at least as long as I can remember) filled to it's below standard brim with new age dribble. Horrible God references. My daughter was watching it one night and I actually took it out and threw it away, something I've NEVER done with ANY of her movies. Please I can't stress enough, don't lead your children astray and let them watch this dung heap of a movie. I actually created an account to leave this review


First of all, I have to say I find it hysterical that the first 3 reviews in IMDb are glowing reviews for this movie and the rest are... what they are. This is the worst movie I've ever seen. I don't know what was worse, the horrible script, disturbing characters or creepy music. And what's the deal with the baby dolphin using stinky farts to breath? That's supposed to be funny or something? I can't believe I wasted 1.5 hours of my life to watch this mindless drivel. I think I lost brain cells and I'm stupider for having watched it. It's an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back. I did learn one important lesson from watching this movie: read reviews before you watch ANYTHING. I normally LOVE kids movies but this was terrifying! Ew did you see the way the Sunfish kinda melted into the distance? Freak me out! The gigantic barracuda was terrifying. I really didn't see anything good about this movie other than the waves and backgrounds. And trust me, these might be very pretty, but they are NOT a good enough reason to watch this movie. I am glad I didn't let a kid watch it, they'd have nightmares for years. I know I sure will. So anyway, in conclusion, this movie is terrible in every way imaginable, don't watch it if you know what's good for you. It really should be taken out of circulation, brought to an empty lot in the middle of the night thrown in a bin and set ablaze with copious amounts of lighter fluid. Seriously... it's that bad.


Awful says it all. The script reminds me of something I may have written in grade 5. You know how you're supposed to write a rough draft and then have it proofread, refined, rewritten, and then maybe 8 drafts later end up with the final copy? this felt like maybe... draft 1 or 2.The CGI was abysmal, the only movie with more awful CGI that I've seen is Hoodwinked (another awful awful movie!). The characters seemed to only have 2, possibly 3 facial expressions, none of which actually fit the scene they were in.AND THE SONG! Where to begin? how about staying on key? how about creative lyric writing? how about hiring someone older than 3 years old to compose your ONE AND ONLY song????? gag me with a mouldy barnacle.I went into this movie with the hope that I may have some killer one- liners to laugh about later. None existed. I was hoping for some lame lame lame scenes to shake my head at tomorrow and say, why did I watch this? The movie is even too lame to do that with! You remember in Junior High when you do something that just completely shakes your existence (in a bad way) ?? well, when I look back at having wasted 1.5 hours of my life on this film, those Junior High moments will loom up and superimpose themselves onto this film.How many more awful things can I say about this movie? tons. However, I don't want the producer/director/anyone else associated with it, to hunt me down and curbstomp me for going on and on and on about how terrible it was.Don't watch it. There are no redeeming qualities. I would rather have watched Passchendale than this movie.Oh, my Wife just reminded me of the ONLY funny part... when Daniel is trying to turn a shark into a Vegan, Carl is stuffing fish into a crack in the rock behind them. Yes, I chuckled at this part, but then proceeded to bash my head against the wall for the rest of the film and forgot about it.I think I'm getting close to the 1000 word max, so again, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS MOVIE.


When I saw trailers, I thought this would be a good movie for my 4-year old son. Calm water, nice dolphins, fish, sunsets on the sea etc. "Maybe it would be something like 'Finding Nemo'" - I thought. So we went to the cinema with all family and after about 25 minutes we left it. It was the first time ever I left the cinema before movie ending credits.First of all, one doesn't know what the movie is about. There is a dolphin, his family and he wants to leave them and find something, probably it's like searching for the sense of life. It's called "dreaming" in the movie. We don't know why he feels bad with his family, what is wrong, and so on. The time goes by and we are feeling bored, because we know no reasons and goals, we don't even know that there are any, but they are to be revealed later.But OK, he escapes. He is then chased by some kind of 100 meters large barracuda. Is it his imagination? Or is it real? One doesn't know, but I think that asking and answering such questions is too difficult for a 4-year old kid.This barracuda is very horrible, not only because of it's behavior (attempting to kill the dolphin), it looks very scary, it's large and aggressive. When it had shown up for the second time, we went away, or maybe "escaped" would be a better word.The only thing I found quite good was the animation of water. In fact, each small wave was shown in high detail, each light reflection seems to be physically correct. I think, although I'm no biologist, that the animals may have been designed correctly.In my opinion this is not a movie for children, because of its brutality and, in fact, no sense the kid could understand. Neither it is not a movie for older people, it's waste of time, it is boring. It is also difficult to distinguish characters (dolphins) from one another.
