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Ace of Aces

Ace of Aces (1982)

October. 27,1982
| Adventure Comedy

In this action comedy the French boxer Jo Cavalier is charmed on the train to Berlin for the Olympics in Hitler's Germany by the little boy Simon Rosenblum who asks his autograph; when it turns out his adorable young fan is a Jewish orphan in danger of persecution, he risks his one shot at Olympic glory to save Simon and his family, helped only by a German officer-gentleman who became his friend in World War I, by an adventurous escape to Switzerland, Nazi troops on their heals and braving impossible odds in roller coaster-style.


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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"L'as des as" or "Ace of Aces" or "Das As der Asse" is a co-production between West German and France that resulted in a 100-minute movie from 1982, so this one has its 35th anniversary this year. The writer and director is Gérard Oury, also a prolific actor himself, but here he was in charge behind the camera. The star in here is Jean-Paul Belmondo, certainly a known name to many. And he plays a (former) boxer who is traveling to Berlin in 1936 in order to help his fighters win a (gold) medal. So yes this is a Nazi-themed movie. Actually the beginning is even a World War I reference. And Hitler is included on several occasions. However, this film should not be taken seriously from a historic perspective. As so many other times with Belmondo, it is all about the comedy. The way Hitler gets made fun of for his WWI military action and for his disapproval of Jesse Owens' successes says it all basically and it is pretty hilarious. The film apparently tries to become a bit more serious when it brings in a Jewish orphan boy that Belmondo's character has to help, so that he will not get caught by the Nazis. So yes, there are some more serious moments in there, but honestly these did not work out well and it's also not half the tear-jerk material they want it to be.I must say I like the film in the first 45 minutes perhaps, but then it got worse and worse. Had it been from start to finish, I'd have given it a 6/10 for sure, but the longer it went, the more absurd it became really Such a shame. It also feels the action moves further and further away from Belmondo. At the very end, at the Nazis headquarter and with the Führer himself very present, it just hits rock-bottom and it just isn't funny anymore, at least not to me. It was a decent watch when they were making a comedy that delivered solid jokes in the face of the historical context and not just shove it all into our faces while losing all subtlety. It seems that the drag approach to humor was pretty present in the 1980s, but it almost never works out and also not in this one here I guess. So all in all, I give this film a thumbs-down. The inclusion of Marie-France Pisier was also disappointing. I guess they wanted to come up with a female love interest under any circumstance, but they complete forgot to elaborate convincingly on her and eventually it is the same as if they had left her out completely. I suggest you watch something else or switch it off halfway into the movie because that's when it all goes south.


This is an amusing film that contains hilarious scenes , noisy action , suspense , thrills , dogfighting and may other things . Beginning in the air over the Western Front during 1916 , where ever shows up a young corporal Hitler , the picture moves from Paris to the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin . It is a highly entertaining caper set in WWII Germany , where our hero , Jo (Jean Paul Belmondo), must help some pursued Jews and a little boy called Simon Rosenblum and being reluctantly supported by a journalist (Marie France Pisier) and a Nazi officer who became his friend in World War I , during their period as contender pilots . Meanwhile , Gestapo and Nazi troops on their heals . The French boxer named Jo Cavalier is charmed by a kid who asks his autograph on the train to Berlin for the Olympics in Hitler's Germany ; when he results to be a Jewish child ; as Jo attempts to save Simon and his family . Later on , there take place several adventurous escapes to Switzerland and chased by nasty Nazis until that the group arrives in a countryside mansion which turns out to be the Hitler (Gunter Meisner) refuge -Berchtesgaden- . This fun movie packs thrills , emotion , intrigue , exciting flying scenes , lively performances , spectacular WWII planes and a moving finale . The film includes documentary footage of 1936 Berlin Olympic Games and images about American sprinter Jesse Owens . In this action comedy Belmondo steals the show , as he runs , bounds and leaps ; he jumps over balcony , cars and executes his own stunts , braving impossible odds in roller coaster-style . Enjoyable acting by main star names , Jean Paul Belmondo and Marie-France Pisier as Gaby , an attractive reporter . Special mention mention to Gunter Mesneir in a double role as Adolf Hitler / Angela Hitler , he is frankly hilarious as Hitler's jealous sister . Sympathetic acting by the young boy Rachid Ferrache , he is an adorable young fan as well as a Jewish orphan in danger of persecution . But Belmondo steals the spectacle , as usual at the time , he runs , hits , bounds and leaps ; Belmondo makes as his own stunts as well as Jackie Chan , he jumps over buildings , drives rapidly automobiles and pilots planes . Because of its huge advertising campaign on bill boards and in metro stations 25 French critics called moviegoers to boycott L'As Des As . They argued that Belmondo would displace smaller, more important movies like Jacques Demy's Une Chambre in Ville. Then , Belmondo said in an interview: "Critics say that my movies won't last. Who cares? I live now." Jolly and enjoyable musical score by Vladimir Cosma , including catching leitmotif . Colorful as well as atmospheric cinematography by Xaver Schwarzenberger . The picture was successful at box office , ranking second highest grossing movie of its year in France beaten only by E.T. Broke the opening admissions record in Paris selling 463,028 tickets in its first week , a record at the time . The motion picture was well directed by Gerard Oury . He was a good actor , writer and director expert on comedy . Gérard Oury was born 1919 in Paris as Max-Gérard Houry and died in 2006 Saint-Tropez , he was married to Michèle Morgan . Being especially known for The escape (1978) , The mad adventures of Rabbi Jacob (1973), Delusions of Grandeur (1971) , The sucker (1965) , The Great Stroll (1966) and Lévy et Goliath (1986) .L'as Des as" or "Ace of Aces" resulted to be one of his best films . Worthwhile watching .


This must me my Belmondo's all time favorite. Off course do not take it to serious, think it is historically correct or make the mistake to think it is realistic. Step into this movie with an open mind and you get rewarded because this is AN ALL TIME FAMILY COMEDY CLASSIC.An absolute magnificent combination of gags, jokes and fun during the Olympic Games in Berlin late 1930's. You can watch this one multiple times and it just gets better and better. Fantastic, an ultimate Comedy Movie. The part at Hitler's castle just doesn't get better than this. Outrageous.See it, Feel It and Enjoy it like I have done so many times. A winner!!!


This movie is a fine example of fun adventure, set in hard times. Belmondo plays french boxing coach, who travels to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Naturally he gets in all kind of trouble and saves a jewish family from deporation. Sound no fun? Well it is, the whole theme is played very light hearted and real fun to watch.
