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Snipes (2002)

September. 04,2002
| Drama Thriller

Erik is a hip-hop-lovin' teen living in Philadelphia who'd rather spend time listening to his idol, the rapper Prolifik. One day, Erik finds himself more entangled in Prolifik's life than he ever imagined possible: Prolifik's been kidnapped, his master tapes are gone, and, through a series of twisted events, the same people who are after the musician go after Erik, too.


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This is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. It explains how hard life can be when u hit the big time and also talks about what would happen if a fan was in a situation when he had to kill his idol? Nelly was amazing in this movie, proving that he can rap but he is an amazing actor as well. I think this movie was also a very touching story(especially at the end of the movie). To tell u the truth I was crying, I not going to lie. Also ladies, if u wanna see a bunch of hot guyz then this is the best movie for u. It of course has Nelly in it and a bunch of other hot playaz. There is something for the men too. There is a woman in the movie , Cheryl, acted by Zoe Saldana. She looks good for all them men.lol.Well if u want to see a hot movie that is a drama, action, and a love story, this is the movie for u to see.


OMG, I LOVED this movie!!!!! I happen to catch it on VH1 last night and I stayed up until 1:30am to make sure I saw the end of it. At first I was somewhat skeptical about how good it would be, but as the movie went on, it just got better and better and I knew that I had to watch the whole thing. I plan on finding it on DVD soon so that I can let all my friends see it. I don't want to give away the plot to people who hasn't seen it, but I will say that this is a wonderful, well-acted, never boring movie. I loved the actor who plated Erik, he has talent and I hope to see him in more movies. So if you can, please see this movie. But beware there is a lot of violence, but not so much that you can't enjoy it.


Nelly is the bestest, and if you like band-aids and testicularless rhyme styles, this is the movie for you. In this movie, you get to see nellys ass when he gets out of the shower, so if you are from norway, you will really, really, really love this movie. GO #TURNTABLISM


Finally a thriller with a twist after twist. Rap and hip-hop provide more than background music, they're central to the theme. Smart script and excellent thriller overall. 'Nelly' is certainly more than a rapper. He's is star on the big screen too.
