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Atomic Twister

Atomic Twister (2002)

June. 09,2002
| Drama Action Thriller

When tornadoes hit a nuclear power plant, critically damaging the plant's cooling system, the results could be catastrophic. Atomic Twister, a countdown to disaster, traces an extraordinary day in the lives of small town citizens who unexpectedly find themselves facing the possibility of mass destruction.


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Christopher Bentley

...were my precise thoughts as 'Atomic Twister' began late last night on BBC 1. Long having been an aficionado of 'bad-film-ery' there was something grimly enticing about the prospect of something of the order of 'Storm Chasers: Revenge Of The Twister' combined with 'Atomic Train', in a late-night TV movie, Middle America in jeopardy sort of way and boy was I not disappointed. For me it wasn't so much the technical inaccuracies that stood out, since I don't claim to be a nuclear expert. It was the way in which at every turn if anything could go wrong it did, most spectacularly the satellite dish that was the station's lifeline to the outside world being blown clean off by one of those dratted twisters (UH OH!) The 'subtlety' of the offering was best summed up by our main protagonist's son and the babysitter indulging in a swift game of 'Twister' (get it?) Investigating this priceless slice of cinematic history on IMDb has incidentally brought up a fascinating piece of trivia - that Carl Lewis was born on the same day as Princess Diana, so I'm very thankful for having stumbled across 'Atomic Twister' for that 'factoid' alone.I'm giving it a '5' since that's as close as I can get to a 50:50 mixture of awful and excellent.


I loved this movie but then again I am a natural disaster freak. Movies like these are my favorite type. I think that it could have been better but when a movie is made for TV people tend overlook the fact that there could have been more done to increase the worth of the movie. I think that Mark-Paul did a good job as a cop and Sharon Lawerence was believable as the shift manager. They could have added a bit more to the movie and made the movie a lot more powerful and gripping. One minute the plant is in complete danger and the next they have the answer and things going to be OK. They should have played up the disaster a bit more. It may not be the most popular movie for adults but for young adults and teens this is a great movie for them to watch and my daughter loves it. Over all the movie was very good and for people 13to 30 it is a great movie and I would give it a B. I would be tempted to give it a higher grade if they would just release it on DVD. Shows worse than this manage to make DVD why can't this one.


As the person said before, a nuclear power plant cannot explode.The reason is that the uranium used in atomic bombs have a much higher purity then in power plants. Therefore, it is impossible for an explosion to occur. The worst that could happen is that the core melts through the containment chamber and spreads a lot of radiation out.And unless the tornado ripped out the control rods, which is practically impossible as the control rods are dispersed around the fission material, then it wouldn't be hard to control the meltdown. All one needs to do is lower the control rods to absorb the excess neutrons.

Theo Robertson

I will give this TVM some credit for getting off to a good start even though it`s basically a remake of the opening of TWISTER . Such a pity it`s revealed as " A boy reading a story to his friends " sequence . I will also give the producers some credit for casting a fairly fit actress as the heroine and praise too for the director for concentrating on Stacey the babysitter`s cleavage as she play`s twister with the heroine`s kidWell that`s all the good bits mentioned , what about the bad ? You do get the feeling that no one on this TVM has any knowledge what so ever as to how nuclear reactors or tornados work . If this teleplay is set at a nuclear power plant then why`s it called ATOMIC TWISTER ? Surely atomic power plants and nuclear power plants are different things ? They`re operated by diesel pumps ? They have no back up power source ? Tornados can creep up on you without you noticing them ? And if you think that`s unbelievable wait till you see the pretty boy cop trying to save the day . Most cops would put on their lights and sirens , put their foot on the gas and drive all the way to the south pole . Mind you don`t run down any penguins officer
