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Gestapo's Last Orgy

Gestapo's Last Orgy (1978)

December. 10,1978
| Drama Horror War

Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.


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Lise Cohen is taken to a special Nazi camp for Jewish women,a camp run as a bordello where the most depraved sexual fantasies can become sensual reality.The camp is run by sadistic Commandant Starker and his revolting minion Alma.Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear,so he subjects her to torture and sexual humiliation."Gestapo's Last Orgy" is a sleazy Nazisploitation flick with enough torture and depravity to satisfy any self-respecting smut-peddler.The banquet sequence with 'pot roast of unborn Jew' is especially memorable as is the sequence of Lise being tied up naked,by her feet over a glass container of rats.If you are into depraved 70's Italian exploitation cinema "Gestapo's Last Orgy" is one to watch.8 out of 10.


Sadistic and merciless concentration camp Commandant Conrad von Starker (splendidly played with venomous aplomb by Adriano Micantoni) runs his camp as a brothel for Nazi soldiers seeking rest and pleasure from combat. Starker becomes determined to break the fierce iron will of beautiful blonde Jewish prisoner Lise Cohen (an excellent performance by the lovely Daniela Poggi). Many years later Starker and Lise get back together at the crumbling remains of the camp for a decidedly less than happy reunion. Director Cesare Canevari, who also co-wrote the twisted and depraved script with Antonio Lucarella, ably creates an appropriately grim and depressing all-hope-is-lost atmosphere while relating the sordidly engrossing story at a steady pace and further jazzing things up with occasional snazzy freeze frames and stylized use of strenuous slow motion. Moreover, Canevari presents several inspired moments of shockingly harsh and unflinching brutality: the guests at a lavish banquet gleefully eat an unborn fetus, these same sickos drench a passed out lady with booze, set her body on fire, and devour her charred remains (!), another luckless lass gets fed to a pack of ferocious dogs, and a poor gal is dunked into a deadly pit of caustic lime soda. The fact that these mean-spirited set pieces are done in a completely serious manner makes them that much more disturbing and upsetting. Of course, there's also a handy helping of steamy soft-core sex and a plethora of tasty female nudity (some guys show us their stuff as well). Why, we even get a potent and provocative central message about the ruthless and desperate things people will do to stay alive and survive in a bleak situation. Micantoni and Poggi do sterling work in the lead roles while Maristella Greco contributes a memorably chilling portrayal of Starker's vicious assistant Alma. Claudio Catozzo's glossy cinematography gives the picture an impressively slick look. Alberto Baldan Bembo's moody'n'melodic score likewise does the trick. The hauntingly downbeat tragic ending packs a wicked punch. Highly recommended for fans of this controversial and much-maligned exploitation sub-genre.


The Gestapo's Last Orgy concerns an unlikely romance between a Nazi death camp commandant and a Jewish female prisoner, Lise Cohen. Shortly after the war they rendezvous at the dilapidated remains of the concentration camp they met. From here, the story is told in flashback. We discover that the camp was used to incarcerate Jewish women. These women were subsequently subjected to all manner of sexual degradation, torture and death. Lise refuses to be broken by her Nazi oppressors and, subsequently, becomes the object of the camp commandant's obsession. This leads to her being treated in increasingly degrading ways. But the commandant's obsession also offers her hope of salvation.As an example of the Naziploitation sub-genre, The Gestapo's Last Orgy is a more hard-edged entry than the very silly SS Experiment Camp. Unlike the latter film, there is more of an attempt at authenticity. The victims are clearly referred to as Jews and the treatment meted out to the women is often very disturbing. That is not to say that the film is a convincing depiction of events in a Nazi death camp - it is pretty ridiculous a lot of the time. However, there is a definite mean-spiritedness about this exploitation movie. The women seem to be constantly undressed. There is a great deal of sexual assault, humiliation and torture. The victims are hung naked from chains, fed to dobermans, drowned in quicklime - you name it. This, of course, all sounds extremely lurid and nasty. And it is. But the film isn't terribly well-made, so it isn't quite as shocking as it sounds. The crazy dubbing does not help matters either. Nevertheless, I would be very surprised if this film finds itself released uncut on DVD in the UK. With it's combination of sex and violence, this is one of the infamous 'video nasties' that would still pose some problems to UK censors. So, if that is enough of a recommendation for you then go for it.


This sickie has very good production values, decent acting and an exciting storyline for this kind of trash. Them deranged nazis is at again in one of those generic "women's work camps". It's not as graphic as others but the vile tone is unbelievable harsh as the officers torture and humiliate young jewish girls and...(hold tight!)...EAT THEM AND THEIR UNBORN BABIES!!?! It's unsettling as hell cuz it's so well made. There's also a lot of De Sade-like master/slave games going on. Only for the most jaded thrill seekers (like me) who're tired of Hollywood's PC blockbusters.
