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Sexy Killer: You'll Die for Her

Sexy Killer: You'll Die for Her (2008)

October. 10,2008
| Horror Comedy Thriller

In medical school of an elite university, campus starts sown with corpses. The police have no clue who is responsible for the carnage. Nobody suspected Barbara, a beautiful young innocent looking whose only concern seems to be the fashion. However, under the facade of frivolity, hides the most lethal and unforgiving of the killer: Barbykiller…


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The opening scene in this film gives a pretty good indication of the philosophy of the film-makers. In it we have a group of hot semi-naked young women in a changing room, while an ominous character in a Scream mask looks on from a secret location; it ends with the tables being turned and the intruder being killed by one of the cute girls. The reason that this scene indicates what this film is all about is that it ridicules clichés of the horror genre while simultaneously celebrating them. This Spanish horror-comedy is a film that resolutely does not take itself seriously. It feels a bit like Pieces (1982) meets Re-Animator (1984) with a female serial killer. The story revolves around a series of university campus killings carried out by a medical student called Bárbara. But that's only half the story as it also includes a development later in the story where a new serum is introduced that has the ability of bringing back the dead, meaning that all the killers victims return as flesh-eating zombies. So, it would be fair to say that this one certainly tries to cover its horror bases that's for sure.The lead is Macarena Gómez who gives a good performance here. The role is one that offers a fair bit of fun with the character frequently breaking the fourth wall to tell us her story. The jokes are sometimes very good too, my favourite one being the fact that some male zombies can only be dispatched by shooting them in the penis rather than the traditional target of the head on account of the fact that 'some men only think with their dicks!' The combination of a slasher movie with a zombie flick is one that is of course completely absurd but it essentially works here in a film that is wilfully ridiculous from the outset. It's a fast-paced and amusing movie which at least tries to come up with something new, even if it does just mash genres up in order to do this. Definitely an entertaining film though and one which seems to have gone under the radar somewhat which doesn't seem right and, ultimately, you can't go too wrong with a premise involving a hot girl serial killer.


Having overheard him talking about cutting up bodies, sexy serial killer Bárbara (Macarena Gómez) gets the hots for pathologist Álex (Alejo Sauras), believing him to be a kindred spirit. Álex, blissfully unaware of the lovely lady's true nature, is more than happy for the attention, but his life gets a whole lot more complicated after he tests his experimental brain impulse decoder on Bárbara's victims in an attempt to discover the killer's identity: the machine has the unfortunate side-effect of bringing the dead back to life as ravenous zombies!Sexykiller, from Spanish director Miguel Martí, definitely doesn't have any lofty pretencions: it simply wants to be a whole load of schlocky fun for the midnight movie crowd—and in that it mostly succeeds. From opening immediately with a changing room scene full of hot Latino girls in various states of undress, to breaking the fourth wall by having sexy psycho Bárbara talk to the viewer, to impromptu song and dance routines, to the sudden switch from serial killer flick to zombie movie, to the copious amounts of gore, there is plenty here to lend the film cult appeal. Director Marti does seem to be trying just a little too hard to please at times, some of the morbid humour and absurdist elements feeling a bit strained, so the film is probably best watched with a few cervezas in the belly, when it's easy to be more lenient about such things.


The movie is almost to clever for itself. Breaking the 4th wall very early on, it still tries to be a "relatively" normal movie. It's a parody of course, but as it is very self-aware and self-conscious, the jokes are hit and miss.It's a nice change to have a woman being in the lead role, in a movie like this, but in the end, even that joke is worn off, pretty quickly. It's actually pretty silly and you can have a lot of fun, if you stop thinking about a few things. So just try to enjoy it if you can and not see the many mistakes/flaws the story has. A funny horror movie that dares to be bloody and funny at the same time then ...


i loved dis film! it's definitely not something u'd expect from first 20-30 min....a slasher comedy? not totally....u'll have to watch to find out...but definitely fast paced and kept me watching...i'ts just ridiculously funny and goofy...great special effects...this would b a great Halloween film too...the sexy killer is funny and cold...all the other actors were just as great...it's a comedy, so who cares about the acting...the script works great.u just gotta keep reading the subs quick because they do talk fast...but watching this, not 1 second was boring...the deaths are pretty well paced...and i wont spoil the ending of the film by going into it...but way better than Hollywood flicks! original!
