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Coming Soon

Coming Soon (2008)

November. 07,2008
| Horror Thriller

Two projectionists discover a disturbing film featuring the lynching of a woman. Not only are they troubled by the content of the movie, but strange events befall them following the viewing.


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Watched this because it was recommended by a friend, who said it was very good.It is excellent! It does not overly rely on jump scares, even though there is a big one at the end. The horror comes from the atmosphere of the story. It is well written with a great twist. Also, the characters are believable. There are no Mary Sues or Jack Sues. No one survives.PS: Have been doing a horror movie marathon recently. Watched End of the Line, Coming Soon, who are both very good, and Blair Witch, which is poor, even by Hollywood standards.Conclusion: Hollywood mainstream horror movies generally fail to be horrifying. Good horror movies are generally not as well known, but smartly crafted. They usually come from countries other than US.


The movie is a thorough entertainer which keeps you guessing and makes you thrilled for the whole 1 hour and 20 minutes.The movie's concept is like Ring series, except that the story line was well matched with the whole concept in this movie.The cast has performed with great care and cohesiveness that the movie looks complete and compact in all aspects. The background score is awesome at many places, the power of silence has been used precisely in the movie to horrify the audience.The ending for the movie was also something that was unexpected, since many a times horror movies end with a positive note of good surpassing the evil. This was an end that has created them a chance for a sequel as well.All in all a great show by the crew, hope they come out with quality movies like this especially horror movies, since the crew has all the capabilities to bring out quality horror movies.I was very pleased and would recommend this movie at least till I encounter another well pictured horror movie. I would like to sum up with rating this movie 7/10 for its stupendous performances, background score, screenplay and not a very tricky ending.


I just watched this on TV today. What really scared me was the story plot - how it was set in a theater (having the potential to make people who watch in the cinema paranoid) and the realization at the end. No one would have thought the scene in the cursed movie of the old woman getting hung was real. But honestly I felt that the trailer of this movie was scarier than itself. There were few scenes trying to "jump" at the viewers; however, they were not very effective. I thought it was clearly overdone. If you're really looking for an absolute Thai horror movie I would suggest "Shutter." That was the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life (and I'm a huge horror movie fan) - the pacing was excellent and the whole plot is just horrific yet brilliant. Disappointed by this movie? Then go watch "Shutter," and I will assure you that you won't be let down!


What a bloody confusing title. "Coming Soon is now showing!"Sorry, had to do that.The only redeeming thing about calling the film Coming Soon is that it makes sense, after you've actually seen it. It combines film piracy and horror, which I think is a far more effective way keeping film pirates away from movie prints than anti-piracy trailers. The two film pirates here are Yod and Shane, both working as cinema projectionists who are assigned the task of recording an unreleased horror film, Revengeful Spirit. Turns out this film isn't just spooky film-wise, it seems haunted! (I'm sure you didn't expect that.) When Yod goes missing, Shane is convinced the deranged woman in the film is out to get him, and for that matter, anyone who watches a particular scene. Kinda like in The Ring, except consistent with Sopon Sukdapisit's writing efforts (Shutter and Alone), the "ghost" also has a sob story to tell. That's where the twist comes in, but it wouldn't be a twist if I told you, so… heh.I like my horror movies with a good, meaty story, and Coming Soon offers quite a good spread, except it's plagued by more flaws and loopholes than I would've liked. It's disappointing to see glimmers of something potentially good get buried under a pile of clichéd scare tactics, something the movie does incessantly. Also, it's a bit slow on the pacing, which takes away a good part of the horror and surprise. On the whole, it has a very promising idea, though sadly the script needed a few more re-writes, and the writer himself could do with hiring a different director. This is Sopon Sukdapisit's directorial debut, though it looks like he's better off just doing the writing.I wouldn't call Coming Soon scary, unless you're easily frightened. Think heavy make-up and sound effects. It has very little of the dreaded tension in Shutter and Alone, though I think that's a flaw due to the film's pacing and directing than the actual script. Some scenes border on being repetitive and annoying, so much so I found myself going, "I get it, I get it, OK?" There's good use of ambiance though, and… well, dark empty cinemas are already creepy anyway. More dramatic than scary, you probably won't feel crept out while watching it in the same setting as the supposedly haunted one in the film. The novelty of a horror movie set in a cinema hasn't been met, and I hope someone else does something about it.
