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Winter Break

Winter Break (2003)

March. 22,2003
| Drama Comedy

Viscerally experience a "year off" in Aspen, Colorado with a group of recent college grads who have elected to defer graduate school and career opportunities to ski, snow-board, climb, party, fall in love and basically live life to its absolute fullest out in this spectacular mountain town.


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Surprisingly entertaining movie set in one of the greatest places in America, Aspen, Colorado. Many college kids and post-grads will be able to identify with the characters reluctance to enter the 'real' world. Instead living out many of our fantasies as ski bums and ski instructors surrounded by hot women and good booze.Nice casting overall. Rarely do you have a 'smart' hot lead like "Michelle" who (unlike many actresses in Hollywood films) seems quite real.This is a good date movie. It won't appeal to people expecting a bunch of overt T&A, though it is highly suggestive. It also won't appeal much to people who hate college kids, Colorado mountain yuppies, young professionals and fraternity/sorority types (conversely, it will appeal to those I just mentioned).In short, a good movie worth watching. It's fresh, with interesting new faces, yet still reminiscent of some good 80's romantic comedies.Nice movie. Will see again. Makes me wish I was in Colorado right now...


I really liked this movie. Its fun and the characters are likable. the plot is your typical "I graduated, now what" theme, but its still well worth watching. I truly enjoyed the movie, but the best part was the soundtrack. The songs are all by relative unknowns who actually write their own stuff. Check out freshtracksmusic.com for the soundtrack and more music along the same lines. There are a few familiar faces in the movie, but the for the most part the cast is young actors who you might recognize if you watch a lot of films. I found it when I got on a kick of watching lower budget, straight to video films. I found a few good ones and lots of average ones. I put this one in the good category. If you like skiing and are a sucker for a cute romantic comedy, then this film is for you.


But it could be a lot better. We could get a fun raunchy comedy in the vain of Animal House, American Pie and Ski School. But instead we got a very nice and sweet romantic drama, about growing up. This is hardly an R. I can't remember hear any profanity the would give it an R, and all the sex was all suggested. Nothing seen. Just a naked back. Some nudity wouldn't hurt. Some more sex and nudity and some raunchy comedy will make this an instant classic, and it would beat out Out Could, and be a classic like Ski School. And this is the better picture.All in all this movie is sweet and it has a lot of fun moments with out being to coy. Milo Ventimiglia is good as the normal guy, and Maggie Lawson is sweet as Michelle. But it is Eddie Kay Thomas that still the show as the guy that never get laid. Justin Urich and Eddie Miles also good. Anna Faris gives a camo in the beginning, but I can't remember have seen Steve Guttenberg. Maybe he was the man in the opening sequence, which was a pretty funny scene.All in all, if you don't have any big expectation, and don't to mind see a predictable and sweet comedy, you will not be disappointed. But if you expected to be fun in the vain of Road Trip and American Pie you will be disappointed. Maybe not worth the rental price, but if you see it on cable, give it a shot.6/10


movie, with all the rules of basic teen movie. Still I was surprised by the well done filming. All the snow parts etc. Actors made good job, and it's always good to see new actors/actress', than those old boring ones :)If you like teen movies, you may like this!
