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China Gate

China Gate (1957)

May. 22,1957
| Drama Action War

Near the end of the French phase of the Vietnam War, a group of mercenaries are recruited to travel through enemy territory to the Chinese border.


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Some fine performances from stars Angie Dickinson, Gene Barry, and Nat King Cole are really wasted in this Sam Fuller film that really hasn't worn that well over the years. History has made China Gate very obsolete, a real Cold War relic.It's 1954 and the French Foreign Legion symbol of French Colonialism has met with humiliating defeat at Dienbienphu. Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh have taken over the north with the 17th parallel dividing the country. But they still threaten South Vietnam.A picked group of Legionaires among them Barry and Cole get a mission to blow up a secret ammo dump with enough to start things really going in the South. Angie Dickinson who is a character out of Terry And The Pirates , a mixed racial entertainer who has some history with another mixed racial Viet Minh commander Lee Van Cleef gets to lead the troops. But Angie has more history with Barry, she was married to him and bore him a son Warren Hsieh. Because of racism rather brutally expressed by Barry he rejected her and the kid. Still a misssion is a mission for these Legionaires soon to go to Algeria and try to keep the French in control. Let's say things get interesting for all concerned.Racism is dealt with squarely, colonialism is not in China Gate. Nat King Cole gives a strong performance as most definitely not a Stepin Fetchit character. But it got a bit much when he says he joined the Foreign Legion because he didn't get to kill enough Commies in Korea. Has this one not worn well.


The action is set in Viet Nam. The French had been waging an impossible war against the communist Chinese and Vietnamese in a conflict that ended in defeat for France. This is before the American involvement in one of the most hated wars in recent history. Samuel Fuller, who started out as a reporter, saw firsthand what war was really like early in his life during WWII. After that, he became a writer for the movies and a director who, to this day, has inspired many of the current crop of creators with his sharp take on the world he lived. "China Gate", alas, does not add anything to his illustrious career, although no serious fan of Mr. Fuller will pass the opportunity to take a look at this 1957 film. The story centers around a conflict between a Eurasian born woman, Lucky Legs, the owner of a saloon that had married Johnny Brock, an American mercenary who is helping the French in their fight against their enemy as the story begins. Brock was a bigot, to put it mildly, and a man that obviously was not playing with a full deck. He abandoned Lucky after their son is born. He rejected the infant based on his Chinese looks. Lucky is recruited to guide a small team of men to the China Gate, where the communists have amassed war material that will help them fight the war. Lucky, being well known to her countrymen, had no trouble taking the patrol to their destination, leaving at each post bottles of her prized stash of French cognac, much appreciated by the fighting enemy.Unfortunately, the story does not ring true; it is sadly dated as it does not make much sense. The mere idea of outsmarting the guerrillas, by a small group of men just does not seem possible, but then again, this is the basis of many pictures where common sense does not count into the story, what matters is the action, the dead, the fabulous explosions and the heroism of a few.Gene Barry playing Brock shows no chemistry whatsoever with his co-star, Angie Dickinson, at the height of her youth and beauty. Nat King Cole, the inimitable singer makes a dramatic appearance and he steals the movie from more experienced actors. Lee Van Cleef shows up as Cham, the man who was also in love with Lucky. For Samuel Fuller fans only!


Sam Fuller's worst war film is worth watching-or at least scanning-for several reasons. The most obvious is the bizarre casting. Then there is the unpersuasive attempt to recreate Vietnam on a studio backlot,which would be duplicated with not much more success years later by Stanley Kubrick in Full Metal Jacket(1987). Finally,both the screw loose plotting and the rabid Red-baiting have become unintentionally comic with the passage of time. This was in fact Sam Fuller's first-ever film for a major Hollywood studio(Twentieth Century-Fox)and his first to be presented in full widescreen Cinemascope.A voice-over introduction sets a hyperbolic tone: "With the end of the Korean War,France was left alone to hold the hottest front in the world and became the barrier between Communism and the rape of Asia." Moments later,we learn that because the dirty Reds have put the Vietnamese town of Sun Toy under siege,a little boy's(Warren Hsieh)pet puppy is about to be eaten! Presumably because 1957,American audiences did not know much about the country or the war,Fuller spends most of the first act spinning out a fanciful interpretation of the situation,blaming many of the country's problems on the Chinese Communists and their massive underground ammunition bunker at China Gate. The French Legionaires decide it to blow it up,and call in explosives expert Sgt. Brock(Gene Barry). The only person who can lead them from Sun Toy to China Gate is Lucky Legs(Angie Dickinson in one of her first major roles),who is allegedly half-Chinese. She's also Brock's ex,and if that weren't enough,the kid with the puppy is their son! That's doubly hard to believe because the stars generate all the sexual chemistry of two wet paper towels. Not to mention in 1957,white actors or actresses were playing roles of minorities,whether Latino or Asian or Arabian were stereotypical then.After that's been established,the already pokey action stops cold for Goldie(Nat "King" Cole) to not only demonstrate his acting abilities but also sings the theme song. Then off they go,with a half dozen or so more Legionaires and a couple of boxes of highly explosive detonators. At every opportunity.one or more of these guys bears his tortured soul,and as they get closer to the Chicorns,it becomes apparent that our girl Lucky has been a sort of one-woman welcoming committee whose mission is to boost morale in every way that she can. All the guys know her because she makes regular visits to the Chinese to deliver cognac and sex,even though her main squeeze is the commander of China Gate,Maj. Cham(Lee Van Cleef),yet another half-Chinese who is in line for a promotion to Moscow.With only a few exceptions,the combat scenes are as phony as the rest. They were filmed on cheap-looking sets with little originality or energy. Nothing on screen comes as close to Fuller's better work in "The Steel Helmet",and "The Big Red One". Still,"China Gate" is instructive. It's a perfect example of Hollywood's attempt to turn every post-war conflict into another World War II. When the film does try to draw any distinctions,it still reduces the action to good guys versus bad guys. If a few Americans will just go over there and blow up stuff and shoot some guys,those benighted foreigners will see the error of their ways and everything will straighten itself out. That's a bit of oversimplification,but given the loopy politics of China Gate,it's not too far off the mark. It misses it.


On this evidence, Fuller is a strident and uncompromising anti-Communist anti-racist. You heard me. This is a late-50s movie about 'Indochina' - a little ahead of the curve there! - which takes the USA to task for not leaping right in there with their French pals; the enemy has Stalin all over the wall of their lookout posts. So it's more than a little silly, to put it nicely. But given this, the racial issues it confronts are above and beyond the call of duty - the espionage tour our heroes embark on is really an opportunity for dynamite expert Gene Barry to smarten up after abandoning his distinctly Asian-featured kid from his liaison with half-white Lucky Legs (Angie Dickinson). Along the way there are exciting scenes, surprisingly well-modulated performances, and a budget-conscious stylistic trick I've never seen before: shot almost entirely in wide master shot, Fuller constantly pans-and-scans the black-and-white Scope image to approximate camera movement. Here's a guy who's smart enough to know that grainy (not to mention silly) won't matter if the damn thing MOVES.
