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El Norte

El Norte (1983)

October. 11,1983
| Adventure Drama

Brother and sister Enrique and Rosa flee persecution at home in Guatemala and journey north, through Mexico and on to the United States, with the dream of starting a new life. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with the Getty Foundation in 2017.


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Peasants escaping mindless labor and a murderous Guatemalan government head to America in hopes for something better.I am not super knowledgeable about immigration and I cannot say it is a topic I am very passionate about one way or the other. I don't think immigrants (legal or otherwise) should be demonized, but I certainly understand why we have a process in place so not everyone can come in.I think this film had a very realistic approach, and was more than just propaganda. We understand why the two main characters make the choices they do, and cannot be upset with them even if they are "illegal". We see the trouble they run into and the adjustments they make. I found it fascinating how the film explores the whole range from finding work, to the immigration authorities to getting medical care.

Rachel Henderson

This is probably one of the best films made yet about illegal immigration from Latin America because it tells of the hardships experienced at home, on the journey, and of life in America as illegal residents. Rosa and Enrique are Mayan peasants who are orphaned in the beginning of the movie by soldiers. They flee Guatemala for "El Norte," the place where their dreams can finally be realized, where wealth comes easily, and where they can leave their life of poverty. Unfortunately, however, it is apparent that their destiny is sealed from the beginning of the movie: they were dead the moment they were first targeted by the soldiers in their country. From that moment on, it seems as though death is trying to find and take them. In a gruesome scene, Enrique and Rosa cross the boarder through a rat-infested sewer where Rosa is attacked in what ultimately is fatal. Once in the United States, they live their lives so as to go undetected by society and live just to "get by." The real tragedy lies in the fact that after a life threatening journey across the boarder, Rosa and Enrique still do not escape living in constant fear. Rosa brings up the tragic idea that they have no place they can call home, and that there will likely never be a moment where they can live in complete and total peace of mind and being. This movie challenges everyone's ideas on illegal immigrants--both those in favor and against. For both parties, the movie brings to light that there is urgent need for reform in immigration that will correct the injustices that millions of people experience each year. The movie shows that neither kicking them out nor allowing them here solves the problem. There are no solutions promoted or suggested by the movie, but rather demands a response from the audience to seek and find a solution.


EL NORTE, is considered by many to be one of the most poignant foreign films to have been released in recent memory. This film is a wonderful interpretation on just how heart wrenching and beautiful the human spirit can be. This movie is a perfect example of the celebration of the human spirit; one brother and one sister in search of the American dream, which millions attempt to achieve and few ever find. Though the endeavors which made their journey more intensifying, they made there way, the reached the unreachable star. The made it to Los Angeles, California.In a way this movie can, in many sense, can be seen in a way, that of, Enrique and Rosa being the Quixote figures for the film; turned away, different, and a dream so enormous that even a motel attendant states they will not survive-Enrique and rose. However, along the way their dream, their aspirations rub off on many people they encounter. Therefore the people become quixotified, in a way, and want to believe the henry and rose will make it to safety. In the film, a man even risks his life and safety to make sure "henry" and rose safely make it across the border, admiring their accomplishments.Furthermore, no good deed goes unpunished -as the film progresses you can see as to why- Only being sixteen years old, this film has in many ways changed in life and way of thought.George Nava made a brilliant choice given the context of the story, which was just a problem then as it is now, Immigration. Now, his choices are ever considered more brilliant given this- a post 9-11 world, a devisive state -CA- election, and a controversial war in Iraq. Furthermore the idea of immigration -pro-. With all these factors in mind, they studio -s- should rethink about re-releasing this film. Five months after watching this film I still think about its message, that we are all people and united we stand. Americans we are, Americans we'll be. If you come here to America and want to work for the people with, for the people, and by the people of the United States of America, you should, and shall be considered and American.


I first saw this movie when I was a kid and it just stayed with me. There are still some scenes that I don't forget. This is a really sad yet great story of a brother and sister who come to the US and how they suffer. You can practically feel the love and respect that they have for each other, it's wonderful. The parts that most stick in my mind are the Mexican sweet bread theft, the dryer machine incident and the rats in the sewer. It's been over 15 years since I've seen it. Great actors in this movie and good, realistic theme. It is an absolutely awesome movie and I would totally recommend it to everyone! Enjoy it!!!!
