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The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete

The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete (1960)

November. 25,1960
| Fantasy

King Minos sacrifices the 'required' virgins to the Minotaur. As his wife lies dying, she confesses that her daughter has a twin she has secreted to avoid giving one of the girls to the Minotaur. The daughter raised by Minos tries to have her twin killed, but failing in her first attempt, continues to try to have her given to the Minotaur. Theseus, the Greek hero, tries to prevent it.


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It's not "King Cobra" that's being sacrificed for, but a giant mythological creature, unseen for all but the last few minutes of this entertaining action/adventure that features Rosanna Schiaffino in a delicious dual role. She's twin sisters, just as Maria Montez was in "Cobra Woman", separated at birth because of her father's concern of the Greek prophecy that any younger twin must be sacrificed to the notorious Minotaur, a horned and fanged giant gorilla like creature that could destroy all of Crete if unleashed out of the will of the Gods. Like Montez's campy 1944 cult classic, the one remaining in her homeland is evil and sinister, while the other, raised by foster parents, is sweet and kind. Upon discovering the existence of her twin, the evil Schiaffino sets into motion a plan to kill her so she won't end up a Minotaur sacrifice and become queen when her father (Carlo Tamberlani) dies. The evil queen's men kill the foster parents, but before they can do away with the good sister, she is rescued by Athenian prince Bob Mathias and his pal Rick Battaglia, determined to protect her. But with the evil Alberto Lupo by the evil queen's side, any attempt for good by her decent father and the attempts of the two heroes to protect the good sister are threatened, with the aide of some torturous intentions that are truly heart burning!Some fantastic art direction and good photographic effects makes this Italian made sword and sandal film as close as you can get to a Ray Harryhausen masterpiece, minus that master's artistic touch that make those films classics. The "Cobra Woman" connection for me was instantaneous from the very beginning, and fans of "I, Claudius" will also delight in the similarities in the court intrigue of the Greek rulers here. The two heroes are both brave and handsome, willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect the good princess, and this leads to some shocking twists in the last 20 minutes, and some good endings for a few of the villains. The appearance of the actual Minotaur is a bit disappointing, although I had to turn my head as Mathias got the better of this huge ugly creature. I've had mixed reactions to the dozen or so Italian period fantasies of this nature, some ridiculously stupid and some surprisingly above average. None of them, outside perhaps the original "Hercules", are truly great, but this one is as close as you can come to one where all the pieces fit nicely together to make a very entertaining package. Schiaffino is added to my list of great screen villainesses for her portrayal of the very determined Fedra, although her performance as Ariadna, the good princess, seems lethargic in comparison. Not since Joan Collins creeped up on an unsuspecting victim in "Land of the Pharaohs" and schemed to become all powerful has there been such a fascinating ancient queen of mean, and thus with that characterization, Schiaffino steals the film.


This opera was played on 7 June 2008, it is bad. I watched it with my family and we laughed at it, calling it "compulsive viewing", due to it being laughably bad... Do not watch this, I will never get that hour of my life back. Every "song" sounds the same, and when the writers cannot find anything that works, they chuck in a bit of Greek. If you like "opera", do not watch this. If you don't like "opera", don't watch this. Only watch this if you want something to laugh at. Terrible. The orchestra managed to chuck in every note that exists, and then some. Get a book, like Macbeth, and just sing the words to it in an "operatic" style, and you will get what The Minotaur sounds like. Don't let anyone convince you that it is too sophisticated for you to understand. IT IS STUCK UP TOSH!!!


King of Crete named Minos (Carlo Tamberlani) has two daughters , one good named Ariadna and one evil named Fedra (Rosanna Schiaffino in a double role). Fedra orders Sciron (Alberto Lupo) to kill Ariadna , but the murderer fails thanks to Teseo , prince of Athens , and Demetrio (Rick Battaglia). Fedra rules over Crete and supported by Scirion wage war Athens . Athenians are defeated and obligated to tribute of fourteen maids for feed minotaur , a horrible monster , part human and part bull . Meanwhile , Teseo taking on Fedra and Sciron , when Ariadna goes into the cave of the monster and using the famous thread.This ¨Sword and Sandals¨ movie packs adventures , fights , mythology , impressive battles , spectacular scenarios and results to be quite amusing . The film confronts ¨Greek culture¨ as pacific , civilized , luxurious and ¨Crete or Minoic culture¨ as cruel , brutal and worshipping Gods with human sacrifices included . However , from discovery Crete by archaeologist ¨Evans¨ is considered Crete a very developed civilization , above average the countries by that time . In fact , the palace of Knososs in Crete -partially reflected on the movie- was the greatest and luxurious for that time . Furthermore , the picture mingles wrongly the Crete setting from 1600 B.C. with Greeks dressed like V century . The film is starred by Bob Mathias , an US athlete , twice world champion decathlon and justifying his fans , he plays some scenes demonstrating his abilities , along with another starring , Rick Battaglia . The pic contains evocative cinematography by Giordani and atmospheric musical score by Carlo Rustichelli accompanying the usual dancing choreography . The motion picture was well directed by Silvio Amadio who filmed another Peplum set in Babylone titled ¨Seven thunderbolts¨ . Rating : Acceptable and passable . The film will appeal to muscle-man sub-genre buffs.


The legend of Theseus finding his way through the Cretan maze in order to battle the Minotaur and rescue Ariadne is one of the great tales in Greek mythology. Alas, this version takes the tale and dilutes it into the standard "sword and sandal" plot. You know how it goes. The coldly-beautiful but evil queen lusts after the handsome, muscular hero. He already has a girlfriend and is a foe of tyranny and so spurns the queen. She's outraged, has the girlfriend imprisoned, and subjects the hero to a torturous trial. He triumphs, frees the girlfriend, and overthrows the tyrant. Grateful citizens cheer the happy couple. The End.Steve Reeves might have been able to lift this mixture to a higher level but in his place we have ex-Olympics champion, Bob Mathias. Mathias is an affable sort and he's given an opportunity to show off his athletic prowess by engaging in a display of javelin throwing, pole vaulting, and discus throwing. He also looks pretty good with his shirt off, though not quite as good as you'd hope and he seems a bit self-conscious about baring his chest. On a more troubling note, however, his personality is bland, his acting ability no more than passable, and he lacks the swaggering sexuality needed to give his character that necessary edge.Rosanna Schiaffino gets to play the evil queen as well as her virtuous twin sister. She's good at being bad but bad at being good. As for the Minotaur, traditionally represented with the head of a bull, it's poorly depicted here as a stunt-man dressed in sort of a King Kong suit, and the climatic battle between Theseus and the Minotaur doesn't deliver the expected thrills. Also, little is made of the strand of yarn which leads Theseus out of the maze, and the Minoan culture is only vaguely hinted at in the sets and costumes. And once again, the movie bungles the torture scene. Theseus winds up in the queen's torture chamber, chained to a wall, but he's modestly allowed to keep on the top of his tunic! So when the torturer approaches with the red-hot iron, he must reach out and make a discreet rip in the hero's shirt in order to expose a bit of bare flesh next to the hero's left nipple. Hey, this is a "sword and sandal" movie featuring a muscular actor as its star. Why not rip that shirt all the way off and put the hero's sweaty torso on proper display?
