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The Elite

The Elite (2001)

February. 28,2001
| Action Crime

After the murder of their families by a terrorist bomb, five young adults are trained as a hi-tech, anti-terrorist team with a mission to search and destroy high-profile terrorist groups.


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Incoherent from the very beginning, I felt as if I was watching something computer generated, not unlike the Cox Cable commercials starring the exceptionally hideous "Digital Max." Imagine my surprise when I came to IMDb and saw an actual cast listing.Needless to say, I didn't get far, but I did see enough to realize that the movie could possibly serve a higher purpose - as a tool for court-ordered evaluations in competency hearings. If a person can sit through this film, a guardian should absolutely be appointed to make all important decisions for the individual in question.And be forewarned, there have been no scientific studies: it's just possible that someone in full command of his faculties might begin watching, and in the course of the experience, become impaired.


the premise of the film is that they trained together since pre-pubescence. then in the first action scene they all act like they're meeting each other for the first time. I couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes. I don't know why Time Warner rated it a 2.5 out of 4...but it's an awful film.oh yeah, and even the first scene sucks. the guy comes in and is asked to shoot one of his undercover cohorts. Of course he gives in and tries to shoot the villain instead. And there's a bloody ICBM in an Austrian chapel...Europeans would never do something like that to their heritage. Hell, even Americans plant them out in the middle of nowhere amongst the corn and wheat.

Theo Robertson

***** MILD SPOILERS ******The title sequence of ELITE features some very obvious exposition ( Just like THE A TEAM ) telling the story of how an elite business cartel are killed in a terrorist attack and how the victims children are brought by a shadowy government department to be trained as an anti terrorist unit , an elite anti terrorist unit , an elite anti terrorist unit composed of spoiled brats . It should be pointed out that the title sequence is preceeded by an action sequence featuring a band of terrorists who detest American greed . I`ve also got to point out that having the terrorist attack take place before the title sequence somehow feels wrong . The title sequence should have been shown before the terrorist raid .After the title sequence we`re shown what these spoiled rich kids are capable of , and boy are they capable of anything , they can defuse a nuclear missile , blow away hundreds - And I`m talking literally of hundreds - of bad guys without suffering a scratch and show us what lovely white teeth they have . I guess being part of an elite anti terrorist has its benefits since they all obviously have access to elite dental treatment - Is this why the movie is called ELITE ? The goes on and I found it very difficult to empathise with 20 something Americans with great hair and great teeth who can do absolutely anything in a tricky situation without suffering a scratch so I found myself siding with the anti capitilist villains which I suppose is something of a compliment to the screenwriter , all too often the motivation for the bad guys is too vague or too over the top unlike here where I could identify with the European villain who has a pathological hatred of globilization and free market economics . Only thing is I don`t believe the audience were actually meant to identify so clearly with the bad guy, it was only after being battered over the head as to how well educated and well off the heroes were that I found myself cheering for the baddies in a film that feels like it was cross bred with GOLDENEYE and BEVERLY HILLS 90210


This flick was much better than expected. Great Action (in the tradition of the James Bond movies), good acting and superb locations. This movie sure is above b-standards! If you love bad guy Jürgen Prochnow you will also love this movie.
