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Canopy (2013)

September. 08,2013
| Adventure Drama War

Wartime, 1942. Singapore. An Australian fighter pilot shot down in combat awakens suspended in the treetops. As night devours day, he must navigate through dangerous jungle in search of sanctuary.


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Award wins and nominations are the critics injoke punishing any gullible viewers who happen onto this low budget panorama of the jungle - canopy to floor. If you have ever been into the equatorial jungle once you will never, never ever forget the experience of prickly heat, rashes, bites, itches. Sweat. That's the easy part. Even the super fit quickly get so exhausted they go 'troppo' with the heat and humidity and wander away in a daze, off the track never to be seen again.In the Solomon Islands two American servicemen went missing in the jungle in WW2. Their bodies were found a week later - not more than 500 meters from their army base - of 500,000 men.THAT kind of jungle 'feeling' you can never experience on a cinema screen.The small budget is severely restrictive. Watching somebody stumbling through endless 'green' (unless you're a botanist) without a commentary by David Attenborough is crushingly boring. Interacting with the 'civilisation' he finds not on a distant par with the fabulous lunacy of Klaus Kinski in 'Fitzcarraldo' or Nick Nolte's inspired state of mind in 'Farewell to the King'Distribution is consigned to low budget TV and cable channels. Recording and fast forward is the only suggestion.


I'm repulsed at the moronic commentary on here. This movie is incredible. The only way to watch this is in the dark, with the sound all the way up. This is just amazing. Without any words an entire story is told. The use of light, of focus, of time... it is masterful. I think will be a sleeper. Only those who really appreciate beauty and magic will love this. The bird sounds and ambiance oftentimes reminded me of Herzog's Fitzcarraldo. This is an absolutely beautiful movie, I hope you see my review and not the jerks saying "it's boring, nothing happens" - omg, EVERYTHING HAPPENS. I was on the edge of my seat. The usage of sound is unparalleled. I actually feel the need to stress that I am in no way associated with filmmaking, I simply really appreciate this. It is Extremely Rare that an entire story is told vividly with atmospheric sound and visuals. Just a very special film. Do not miss.

Paul Psr Ryder

I watched this in the dark with high volume. Which I would advise everybody else to do so also, as this movie is all about it's sounds, feel and atmosphere. I wasn't expecting much from this movie as I had not heard of it, however I was pleasantly surprised. The movie is set with one main character who is crash landed in a foreign destination in the midst of the second world war.The movie is eerie, the scenery is beautiful and the character is very well played. The constant build up of suspension leaves you driven to wondering what will happen next, and although nothing much appears to happen by way of extremities, there is a great awareness of the solitude and danger which could always be nearby... Admittedly this is not the type of block buster war movie you would put against such movies of recent showing extreme heroism and patriotism, it is not the same, and for these reasons above, I think 8/10 is warranted.. Enjoy


This is a boring and depressing film that you could spare to yourself. There is no action, no adventure, not even a recognizable plot. There is this endless display of green tropical plants that perhaps, being you a fervent botanist, could catch your attention.If you, just like me, feel that once started a movie you must finish it, you'll probably end like me, hoping that the two characters get soon killed or whatever, just to put an end to your and their suffering. I'm not joking: you won't forget, not even for a while, that what you are watching is just a movie (a bad one) and that those that you see are actors. I'm sure that many of you have done better with your holiday movies.
