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Shadow People

Shadow People (2013)

March. 17,2013
| Horror Thriller

A radio talk show host unravels a conspiracy about encounters with mysterious beings known as The Shadow People and their role in the unexplained deaths of several hundred victims in the 1980s.


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What was enjoyable about this movie for me was that the (HD?) camera work was clean and nicely composed, the direction and acting was entirely competent and the editing was cool too, in what I imagine was a film with a relatively modest budget. A pleasant change from average Hollywood. It was made by people with a real feeling for film. Mariah Bonner as the librarian was a bonus who definitely did not hurt the eyes. Shame she was an early victim.The story wasn't great, though it exploited common enough fears of things that are half-seen (or were they there at all?), and move in the night (as opposed to go bump in the night). And the placebo effect is undoubtedly real, though whether it's killed anyone is questionable, I'd say, certainly in Western cultures.I did once see a shadow person in bright daylight (or did I?). I was about three at the time, and lying in bed. The shadow of a figure ran across the wall, flowed into a shallow recess, slid behind a wardrobe, came out the other side, and vanished. It was more scary than Shadow People, and as you can tell, I haven't forgotten it. However, the good news (for anyone who's worried) is that it hasn't reappeared since, and 70+ years later I'm still here.

Lucas LeDain

Shadow People is the most terrifying film I have ever seen in my life. It is the most creepy, compelling and mind bending film I have ever seen in my life. Better than Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring, Sinister, Insidious and Dark Skies!!!Not only was it scary, it was incredibly well made. Normally what would have happened is a brilliant script was ruined by Hollywood stars and a high budget. But this wasn't an all star cast nor was it a high budget movie. It was made for one reason and one reason only; to scare the crap out of you. AND IT WORKED!Also; like many films it is based on a true story. Based is a loose word when it comes to movies. But this one really is real. The video talked about on YouTube IS actually there. I have not been able to watch it after seeing this movie nor have I been able to sleep in the dark or look at my shadow.It was genuinely terrifying. I was literally left shaking, sweating and crapping myself. It was utterly brilliant. All of you must watch this movie!!!To add to the scary element of the film; before watching look into REM and sleep paralysis. This is a terror guarantee.


I really liked this, first thing is its not a gore/blood fest ( which is a good thing) its more a creep/freak you out movie, I watched it about 2am on my own in the dark and it freaked me out, I thought it was a cool original quite scary idea, with some great writing and ideas and some great acting, it would of been easy to make this feel cheesy and cheap but it doesn't the main character does a superb job of portraying the sceptic to believer, its a shame it has a low score which will instantly put people off this movie as recently especially in this genre it's rare to find something original and so well done, I hate to admit after watching it I actually turned the light on to go to sleep lol I can't remember the last time a movie had that effect, well worth watching just don't expect a slasher or make you jump movie it's more one that freaks you out when thinking about it, which you will do


In the mix of all poorly made movies out there these days this one deserves your attention. Shadow people is full of suspense moments and qualifies as a good mystery after all. Dallas Roberts was amazing in it. Solid storyline and clever filming. Definitely worth watching and makes you think about reality of the events and phenomenon of The Shadow People. Seems like they used some real facts in the movie which makes it even more desirable to watch. Shadow people hit its home run in all aspects - good acting, good writing, good directing and that kind of movie that will make you think about it after it's finished. Most of us had some kind of experience that we could relate to in this thriller.
