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In Her Line of Fire

In Her Line of Fire (2006)

April. 21,2006
| Action Thriller

When the Vice President's plane goes down near a remote Pacific island, he is kidnapped by rebel forces and held for ransom. It is up to his female Secret Service agent and a press secretary to infiltrate the camp and save him.


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Since I don't have cable & there ain't any good shows on Wed., I was watching Telefutura. I learned from watchin' the opening the movie was called "Air Force Two," which I seriously doubt was a sequel to the Harrison Ford film. Only as I found the film's page here on IMDb have I learned that Mariel Hemingway was playing a lesbian. When I was watching the movie, I wouldn't notice it as it just appeared to be another shoot-'em-up, mindless action film w/ Spanish dubbing. & yep, once I also found out that those reviewing this movie were Austrians, I must've been the only non-Hispanic American watching it. & I also thought this movie was made in the 80s/90s, not 2006! R U kiddin'? A movie where the bad guys are jungle insurgents a la Iran-Contra/ Sandinistas/ Manuel Noriega? & made while the War on Terrorism's in progress? Well, that could explain why "In Her Line of Fire" didn't come to a theater near me or other Americans. The film was such a blatant throwback to those "Rambo" or "Die Hard" flics. Even if this film is available here in the U.S., I ain't sure if I can find it in the "bargain bin" at Costco or Target. Besides, this is the type of film that Telefutura would air on a Wednesday, as opposed to a Sunday night, which would draw more viewers. That's why I saw more promos for "Spider-Man 2" when it was on Telefutura on that Sunday night. This is for sure a film you will likely stumble upon when nothing good's on TV, & not a movie you "prepare" for by w8n' for it 2 start, watch it w/ others & have a snack.


I rented this movie on DVD in Australia. Is there such a thing as a D Grade movie? I would not know where to begin. If you wanted a study on how not to make a movie then this is the one.Location is supposed to be an island off South America but we are told that the Vice President is on his way to Tokyo. Plane is struck by lightening and of course there is no time for a MayDay before it crashes conveniently near an island near the Solomons which is just closer to Australia.Of at least the 10 persons on the plane only 5 survive the belly landing in the water. Of the 5 on the beach one is quickly shot on sight by "rebels" in what looks like Australian rainforest. This could explain why all the rebels appear to be Polynesian and not of South American/Spanish origin.The first view of the rebel leader is that he sleeps under mosquito netting, has bad dreams and a USMC tattoo on his left forearm.This is a movie where you get a group of friends, beer and popcorn around a TV with the volume turned down and you each take turns doing the voice overs.


Don't expect too much high quality anything with this film and you should enjoy the action.Mariel Hemingway could still turn heads and interrupt conversations just by walking in the room and Jill Bennett would get more than her wanted fair share of female attention! I reckon that it was the hope of the cast and crew that their audience would leave all sense of rationality and believability behind when they pushed the 'play' button on their DVD players. As I had read the previous comments prior to buying the DVD (from overseas, thanks to the Aussie censors who cut references to the 'friendship' between the female characters), I wasn't expecting Academy Award performances and so found myself pleased with my purchase and a welcome addition to my 'collection'.Definitely a nice way to spend a spare afternoon. Enjoy!

Gregory Leong

I am not a lesbian, but very much gay sympathetic, and I was attracted to this film because both reviews on this site commended this film for its featuring a lesbian heroine who just happened to be lesbian, and not making any big thing out of it. It really did seem that someone very sensitive and sensible about human rights issues had gotten hold of the script.Imagine my dismay when I took this DVD home from the shop and found that any reference to the Meriel Hemingway character's sexuality had been expunged!. Shame, shame on whoever released the movie on DVD in Australia. We are not a bunch of unsophisticated wowsers who can't cope with difference. It is always surprising how little credit censors give to an adult viewing audience.Besides from the two reviews, it was hardly anything that would have been offensive. Other than that the movie was very average indeed in spite of the non-stop action.
