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Nikitich and The Dragon

Nikitich and The Dragon (2006)

March. 16,2006
| Adventure Fantasy Animation Drama

Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures, he is accompanied by the royal messenger who's in love with the royal niece.


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the characters, the story, the animation. parts from the tradition of a great artistic school. interesting, seductive, amusing and a form of propaganda which, in East, reminds interesting images about childhood of few generations. inspiration's source - tradition. in new clothes, using inspired forms of humor, using the words about bogatyrs for create for each of them a new life. Dobrynya Nikitich is the same like in legends. but the Zmey becomes more ...seductive. wise, powerful, victim of a kind of crisis, it seems be one of the bad characters from American child films who discover his noble heart. and the old war has new dimensions. more than nice, an useful film. about an old world. in new splendid colors.


Sure the ending is on the predictable side, but other than that Dobrynya Nikitich I Zmey Gorynych is really splendid. The animation is beautifully crafted, the drawing was clearly done with care and the colours and backgrounds has a look that is not too simple and not too flashy. The music has a great deal of charm and excitement, perfect for conveying both fantasy and adventure and distinctively Russian. What there is of the dancing on screen is fluidly done and very authentic. Also much to like is the wonderfully ironic humour and the witty visual jokes, the dialogue is humorous and doesn't resort to being undeveloped or distasteful. Of course the story is not much new, but the humour helps to make it fresh, it is well-paced and it is a charming story that has touches of irony as well as that Russian fairy-tale feel at its most classic. The characters are very engaging and bring the story forward, not feeling superfluous to it in any way. The voice acting is very good, noble with a touch of theatricality(though not in overload). All in all, a splendid Russian animated film and well worth looking out for. 9/10 Bethany Cox


This is not a typical Russian fairytale but quite the opposite. I see some of the characters in the story which behave not exactly like people would expect if they know a bit from the Russian folklore. There are a lot funny stuff which does not end with just simple visual jokes but extend to quite good sense of humor. However many people might not understand what is so funny in many of the scenes because they are not familiar with the Russian fairy tales. I recommend people to watch this movie with the original sound and voice acting because the story and the graphic are good but what really made the movie for me are actors that gave their voices to make this beautiful piece of work. I've noticed that many good movies with good voice acting will lose their charm if the voice is not the original. The music is also very good and it fits and completes the movie really well. After i watched the movie i felt like there could have been made more in between some of the scenes. That is why i gave 9 instead of 10. There are a few minor problems which i do not feel the need to tell you because the movie is too good in my eyes especially compare to the most animes which come in a very nice outfit(usually brilliant grapfic) but really poor story lines(sometimes very often even really twisted for my taste)which makes most of those movies one time show.


It's a typical Russian fairytale in a typical quite good Russian animation way. Characters created like Russian characters always - some pretty and some really ugly. Dobrynya Nikitich goes to save duke's cousin Zabava from a three-head dragon Gorynych. It's not an easy job for him and his young student Jelissei. But Dobrynya doesn't know that duke himself stands in a difficult position and is not interested in saving his cousin. Even the famous Russian witch Baba-Jaga comes in to the story. It's an adventurous story with some good laughs (for example when Khans teeth fly out; Jelissei with a blue eye - his facial expression is really good; Russian working ladies singing a very well performed song and also dancing along with it (they are almost like Russian version of Finnish band Värttinä) & when Dobrynya handles the betrayal). It's still a good animation to watch, although the ending is more than predictable. Overall 6/10
