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The Sleeping Voice

The Sleeping Voice (2011)

October. 21,2011
| Drama History

Finished the Spanish Civil War in April 1939, in November 1940, while Spain is being crushed by the ruthless boot of dictator Franco, Pepita travels from rural Córdoba to Madrid to be near her sister Hortensia, who is seven months pregnant and imprisoned, haunted by the shadow of a death sentence.


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A homage. touching. convincing. remind of the sufferance of people and families. and about a long , painful resistance. beautiful. and , in some measure, flat. because you expect more. the facts are well known. the polot is not so surprising. all is perfect at first sigh. and something, real significant, is missing. the good point - the subtle feminin force of performances.

Nola G

Since the release of the Spanish film, La voz dormida, on October 21st of 2011, the film has received praise and critique from many viewers. Director Benito Zambrano created a post-Spanish Civil War drama focusing on two young women. The film was nominated for nine Goya Awards including Best Film and won two for Best Supporting Actress and Best New Actress in 2012. Adapted from the book La voz dormida written by Dulce Chacón, the film does an excellent job portraying the Spanish novel about 1940s Madrid. Following the Spanish Civil War, there was still large controversy between Franco's followers and those that rebelled against his ruling. Paulino (Marc Clotet) and Felipe (Daniel Holguín) play the roles of Spanish rebels fighting in the mountains. Hortensia, (Inma Cuesta) wife of Felipe, is pregnant in a women's jail for helping the rebellion. The story line follows Pepita, (María León) sister of Hortensia, in her efforts of helping her sister and the rebels. Hortensia is given the death sentence after her birth, giving Pepita time to do everything she can to save her sister. In the meantime, she and Paulino fall in love after working together.In general, the film was well directed and executed. For a viewer with limited knowledge on the Spanish Civil War and the politics surrounding it, the plot and production of La voz dormida did an excellent job of portraying the hardships following the war. The entire film was dark and dramatic, allowing the viewer to understand the cold and hard times during this era in Spain. With limited light and happy occurrences in the film, the two-hour long drama was difficult to watch at times. However, the acting through all parts, including the handsome Paulino, brings light into the movie. The emotion in the actors allows the viewer to feel for the characters and understand their hardships. As a viewer that does not enjoy war films, Zambrano does an excellent job drawing viewers in and keeping their attention in this emotional film.Overall, I highly enjoyed the film. Although at times it was dark and difficult to watch through scenes of hardship and injustice, the film is an excellent portrayal of strong women lead roles in Franco's 1940s Madrid. I have never enjoyed war films, but as a more dramatic portrayal of the war, Zambrano allows viewers to feel the emotional pain of the Spanish people rather than their physical pain. I was left with tears in my eyes and feeling attached to the characters after watching this film. I was also left thinking about the film wanting to watch more. I recommend this movie to those who enjoy mild action, intense emotions, and a little bit of a sappy love story. Combined, these aspects brought the movie together to become a well-rounded film surrounding the Spanish Civil War. As more than simply a war story, the drama brings in many different themes throughout to identify the reality after the war.


I could not take my eyes off the scene throughout the movie.It is so breath-taking and it throws me into such rage against the inhumanity of the Franco administration. The ending scenes of Hortensia breast-feeding her new born baby before she was taken out to be shot would forever be woven into my mind.The Spanish Civil War was one of those wars which were largely forgotten. People thought that since the Nazis were defeated, they had achieved their purpose. Perhaps it was not wise to ask for another war to purge the world of the remaining dictator who gave so much sorrow to the Spanish people. But little was done even if we discounted military action.And in the film, the position taken up by the Church was simply disgusting. There was a line in the film: Spain would be free if there is no more Church or tyranny. Well, one of them is gone. Let us hope the days of the remaining one is numbered.The performance of Imma Cuesta is just great! And thanks to Benito who brought up another great film for us.


good performance, beautiful images. another exercise of exorcism for a culture who not only remember but has its roots in a dark period. result - a correct film about love, sacrifice, ideal, fight and personal tragedies as parts from national drama. and only sin of film is the common style. after many movies about Civil War traces, it remains one for them. sure, it is not an error maybe for the splendid acting of actresses or for the flavor of period. but , after its end, impression is the same - it would be better. because, more than an adaptation, this genre of film must be, in essence, a manifesto. in contrary case, it is only a small piece from a long chain who remember, again and again, faces of a profound crime.
