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Santa with Muscles

Santa with Muscles (1996)

November. 08,1996
| Action Comedy Family

Penurious but muscle-bound Blake Thorne has made a vast fortune marketing health food and health supplements. He once was a nice fellow, but as his wealth increases, he becomes increasingly self-centered and decadent. One day, he gets in a great paint-gun fight that goes too far. Blake escapes the cops by running into a shopping mall, quickly donning a Santa Suit and pretending to be St. Nick. A head injury causes Blake to suffer amnesia, and an opportunistic "elf" decides to convince Blake that he is indeed Santa. This leads "Santa" to help save an orphanage, filled with adorable moppets, from the machinations of a greedy, insane doctor.


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Hugh Jass

the first 14 or 19 minutes it has nothing to do with Santa having muscles but when Santa gets muscles it is shown in the worst way possible and when Blake returns to himself in the worst way possible I was angry ultimately putting on the worst on my worst movie list. The Movie Is trying to be funny but sadly enough... THIS ISN'T EVEN HULK HOGAN'S WORST Piece OF "ART" I'VE EVER SEEN. No Wonder this is in bottom 100 but I think it should be #19 because there is a lot more movies worse than this deformed creature known as Santa With Muscles. I found the room Better because at least it was funny because Tommy was thinking we thought it was art


What can really be said about a film like this?Well, let's start with a little background information about the leading man. Terry 'Hulk Hogan' Boella is the most selfish man in the wrestling business. He never put over anyone, he can't sell whatsoever and he tried to sabotage Bret Hart's career. He even disrespect Shawn Michaels - SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS. The Heart-Break Kid! The Icon! The Showstoppa'! MR. WRESTLEMANIA!So when the Hulkster is tasked with playing an obnoxious, egotistical, vapid, sexually confused plutocrat it is by far the most convincing part of this abortion of a movie.He hires his buddy Ed Leslie to play an Asian doctor - correct, an EVIL Asian doctor. Ed Leslie, the man who couldn't get over playing a stripper/barber. Ed Leslie, the man who caused a terrorist scare when people mistook his COCAINE for anthrax. The fact that this man was in the wrestling business for so long is bad enough, but for the love of God and Scorsese, blacklist him from cinema!This movie is awful, truly awful in every way. You see, there's an orphanage and it's going to get blown up. And when the poor children need someone to rely on, who do they turn to? The cops? A responsible grown up? No, poor old steroid-addict Hulk Hogan. He rambles through the script like a diabetic monkey, delivering dialogue so hideous it would make Vince Price (God rest his soul) blanch.And then, at the end of the movie, this disturbed mental patient, makes a bunch of orphans live alone with him in his secluded mansion. Everything about this film is wrong, everything about this film should be buried in the Nevada desert alongside Jimmy Hoffa and those copies of the ET video game.Do not watch this movie. No, not even if you are told to do so by your Mother on her death bed. This is tripe of the highest order and will actually make you question your sexual orientation. At one part, Hogan begins wearing a fetish Santa suit complete with tight leather boots and an S&M belt. I wish I was making this up.Please, just let this film die a slow and painful death.


...could you find a wrestler playing a millionaire who thinks he's Santa Claus sword fighting a guy in an astronaut suit with a crystal broken off from a mine underneath a church. When you have that picture in your mind, you've already seen the only part of this movie worth watching, if you can even call it that.Don't watch this movie.Don't rent this movie.Don't stay on the channel on which this movie is playing.Forget this movie exists.If you must see it, make sure you are compensated financially for your trouble. If you can avoid seeing it, AVOID IT.You'll be doing your brain a favor.


I am sure most of the posters here are not wrestling fans. Therefore, I will clue you in on a couple of things. Hulk Hogan is an ego maniacal jackass that demands creative control over anything he is involved in. This movie might not have been a classic when it was first written, but I will be fair and say it had average potential(a rating of 5). The movie probably had a different title at first until......Hulkamania arrived. Hulk Hogan has this remarkable ability to turn something good or average into unwatchable garbage. Original title may have been "When Santa got Rich" or "Santa CEO" or something slightly stupid. Hogan looks at the title and says "no way brother, my fans don't know nothing about no CEO(the first true words to come out of the mouth of the Hulkster in twenty years). So he called it "Santa with Muscles" because no project involving Hogan is allowed to go 5 seconds without referring to the "24 inch pythons" After adding scenes where blow up candy canes are used by Hogan with results comparable to the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Hogan finally has gotten his wish. He ruined what might have been an enjoyable movie experience for two year olds and those who are "mentally challenged" or retards as Hogan's faithful redneck fans may call them.I am not surprised at how bad this film turned out. Wrestling fans with half a brain have hated Hogan for years. He exercises creative control when he is told that he is going to lose and this ends up boring anyone with a below average iq on up to tears. Hogan may have turned wrestling into a million dollar industry with a lot of help from the master marketing machine named Vince Mcmahon. Many good people sacrificed their wrestling careers by falling prey to Hogan's trademark "leg drop of doom" and now some poor director is probably living under a bridge in Los Angeles damning the day he got involved with Hulk Hogan. Hogan may have helped turn wrestling into mainstream entertainment, but he also singlehandedly destroyed the same industry(his tired act help put WCW into the ground) he helped build by never learning more than three moves. Punch, back scratch, high boot and leg drop. Oops that is four moves. Some things never change. In the ring the bad guy always loses to Hulk via leg drop. In the movies, Hogan expands his creative horizons by having the bad guy lose via Plastic candy Kane.
