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Monolith (1994)

March. 09,1994
| Action Science Fiction

Two cops investigating the murder of a young boy become invloved in a very secret project involving alien life. Needless to say, the authorities don't want them to stick their noses into this


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Very likely John Eyres' most ambitious movie to date. A sci-fi/action/horror/thriller hybrid populated with good folks like Bill Paxton, John Hurt, Louis Gosset Jr., gorgeous B-vamp Musetta Vander and Lindsay Frost (who somewhat comes across as the wisecracking tough blonde acting equivalent of Yancy Butler). A secret government agency has been fooling around with an alien entity. Of course, the thing gets loose and starts to run amok in the city. Well, "running" isn't exactly the right word, since it's more like some form of alien energy that possesses the bodies of humans (that eventually do all the running). It's up to Paxton, Frost & Gosset to figure out what is loose in their city and try to stop it. The plot kind of looses itself along the way, not really knowing where to aim things and eventually not bothering to explain itself anymore. The film ends ridiculously, but before that we do get to see some nifty alien set designs. The SFX are pretty decent at times. For fans of Jack Sholder's "The Hidden" (1987), this might be another amusing watch (though Sholder's film is much tighter & better).


Well being that I actually got to be on the set of this movie for a time, while it was being filmed in my home town.. I have to say it was an excellent adventure. The time it takes to do each scene and the work that goes into it is time consuming and to be honest very fun. That said, Bill Paxton and Lindsy Frost were very nice and they treated me like a part of the crew while I was there observing.. I even got to help out with setting up some things for the movie... I was not credited for what I did, as it wasn't a whole lot, but to be invited on the set by the director, to learn how things are done to film a scene was the best time in my life.. and it wouldn't be the 1st Movie set I got to visit over the years.... Man how would you feel to have been there for that Opening scene of Lethal Weapon 4? Well I was and it was also an Exhilarating adventure.


This film really caught me off guard. IT had a close to A list cast, looked great on the video box when I rented it (Circa 1994 I think) started off with promise but rapidly became a mess.... It sorta has the feel of an unfinished and un-post produced mainstream scifi action flick.Terrible editing and f/x. Uninspired dialogue and generic plot. What the hell was Paxton and Hurt doing in this? Even Gossett jnr was a pull around this time.. Did the director have some juicy info on them all to get them to work on this dross? Thankfully for him Gossett shows some good judgement (watch and it'll make sense)I see the same director did Project Shadowchaser, A video staple of rentals in the uk during the early 90's. That had Martin Kove and the Android to hold it together. Here the stars just seem to be trying to battle thru to the end and forget they were involved lol


The reference to Starsky & Hutch by another viewer is brilliant. This movie has no story, but, instead, seems to have been pieced together with bits and pieces pulled from Hollywood's vast supply of garbage cans. Bill Paxton does his usual out-of-control-but-I'm-really-hurtin'-inside schtick. Lindsay Frost's hair stays miraculously manageable, despite her being blown into a pool, shot at on a high-rise terrace, and (why do they subject us to this schlock?) diving into sewage. Both actors serve as the other's straight-man to hackneyed one-liners that are as predictable as the victims. Just who or what this alien with eyeballs that shoot fireballs is... or wants... is never explained, nor do we have any idea what the goon scientists have been doing with/at it all these years. I paid 20 cents for the video of this film on the streets of Seoul. I think I was ripped off.
