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English Vinglish

English Vinglish (2012)

September. 21,2012
| Drama Comedy Family

In the United States for the first time, an Indian housewife with a limited command of English turns Manhattan into her personal language school.


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Very inspiring. Teaches you to help yourself when you are down. Teaches you to love yourself. <3 A big thank you to everyone part of this movie for giving us this beauty.


I have the DVD but never got around to watching it, and had seen parts on TV. Recently I had the chance to watch the entire movie in one sitting on a flight! I am so glad I did. I had a smile on my face from beginning to end. If anyone wants to know the meaning of a feel good movie, please watch English Vinglish.Sridevi did a superb depiction of a simple non English speaking housewife and her family acted very realistically as snobby husband and daughter who are sometimes ashamed of their wife/mother's absence of English speaking skills.Sridevi was always a good actress and with this film, she has proved that she is even better. The actors who played the students in the language class were also superb. This is a delightful film from beginning to end. Definitely not to be missed.

Suman Shakya

Movies don't need to be dramatic all the time. The simple stories around us can be much interesting and engaging. "English Vinglish" is such sort of movie. It delves into a simple story of Sashi, who is a housewife and can't speak English properly. As a result she often gets ignored and embarrassed by her children and husband. The whole film revolves around her attempt to regain her dignity and respect in family through joining English learning classes secretly. The story is indeed very simple but along the way touches you and even tickles you. The film gives a sweet message on regaining your self esteem rather than becoming sympathetic about yourself; and hence, is commendable in terms of realizing the values of family and relations. Besides, it also hints on how your small remarks may hurt others.The situations created in the film are simple, yet touches you; like Sashi getting hurt by her children's remarks or her desolation in New York City, or her desperation to create a balance with her family and her self esteem. Every moment leaves an impact, whether the ones in which Sashi appears an ignored mother in India, or her quest to regain self esteem in the English learning classes, or at her sister's house The biggest thing of the film is it's entertaining and yet the same time thought provoking without becoming preachy. The story runs at a moderate pace and even drags a bit at the second half but doesn't lose its interest and every moment becomes wittier. The splendid story gets brilliant carried by Sri Devi as Sashi. In every scene, she steals the show. Perhaps remove her, there is nothing in the movie. Watch it, and you would be able to realize more about understanding your family.Rating: 3 stars out of 4


This film tells the story of an Indian housewife, who does not speak English like the other family members do. She decides to learn English in secret."English Vinglish" has a very engaging plot, telling how the housewife Shashi feels as she constantly get laughed at for her poor English. Her decision of self improvement opens her up to a whole new world, including meeting a charming French man who pursues her. Shashi is therefore torn between her family who puts her down, and a charming man who appreciates her. I really did wonder what Shashi will do in this situation, but of course, being a comedy, everything works out in the end. The ending is so touching that it made me cry."English Vinglish" is a charming film, with a great plot and charming performances. The songs are catchy as well, I really enjoy it.
