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As One

As One (2012)

May. 03,2012
| Drama

A unified team representing the two Koreas competed at the 1991 Chiba International Table Tennis Championships. It was the first such sport team since the division of the Korean peninsula. The unified team won the group competition event, beating the front runner, China.


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Sports is universal.That's what brought the two Koreas together. Its a touching re-telling of the actual success and hardship of having two Korean teams come together to win the biggest ping-pong match ever. Hats off to the actresses who trained hard from being total noobs to credibly skillful table-tennis players. They were extremely convincing on-screen. I had no idea it was possible for actresses to play like pros in just a few months.Love the true story. Deeply touched by it. Shed tears of pain & joy watching it. Worth it!


The first 35 minutes is your typical "sports story" .. one actor is obviously a gifted comedian like Doris Day (tad campy type of thing) but just when I was about to think it was the light and fluffy drama, if sudden changed. Not to spoil it .. but he story, you can tell it jumped into the relaying an important happening .. and the acting was no longer your typical type .. but full of sincere emotion and the viewer just gets drawn in.The action is shot amazingly well and is really exciting to watch with some terrific shots and visuals. What a wonderful and important story. The cast is just amazing with the ending: well certainly a Kleenex warning is warranted.Absolutely recommended, make it to the 38 minute mark and you are in for a spectacular treat of a movie and history retelling.


North-south topic is the favorite genre of korean movie because its usually will become a box-office movie such as JSA, Secret Reunion and The Front Line. Although I'm not korean but I can felt what every korean feel about their country, yeah they are still sibling and nothing can separate a family bond. That's fact.Too focus for the ping pong game and less intention for the story development, character's background and many unneeded action. Maybe its not what I expected but the story get its gear bit by bit until honestly my tear explode.It is a light movie actually.If you love sport movie, this is exactly what you want, you can see every detail of play, so breathtaking till you cannot take off your eyes from the ball. Real exciting! This movie have a big meaning for korean and it did well as it can to satisfy all Korea. Recommended! Very worth watching and sweet!


This is simple yarn about the North and South Korean table tennis teams reluctantly joining forces to beat the (evil) Chinese team.The plot is very basic and the characters are fairly simplistic, yet it all works very well. The characters appear a bit foppish but having spent a little time in Eastern Asia I discovered that the youth (despite having more responsibilities than their Western counterparts) tend to have more of a child hood and are not afraid to be naive.The 'kids' in this film have great energy and their uncomplicated outlook is refreshing when most young people in recent films (especially UK movies) tend to be drug dealers, murderers or possessed by an evil spirit. This was very refreshing.It takes a stab at dealing with the division of Korea but this film is not equipped to handle such issues; like expecting 'Bring it on' to grapple with race relations in the U.S.Don't expect too much depth but expect a few grins and a general sense of well being.
