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Bail Enforcers

Bail Enforcers (2011)

April. 19,2011
| Action Comedy Thriller Romance

A group of down-on-their-luck bounty hunters hit the jackpot one night when they pick up an informant with a hundred thousand dollar bounty on his head. But their world is turned upside down when a mob boss offers them one million dollars in exchange for the informant. When they refuse, the mafia unleashes a trio of assassins on them who use all of their power to bring the bounty hunters down, and to get their man - dead or alive.


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You know what...I am pretty sure it's getting low reviews because audiences think its a T&A film.Aaaaaaannnnd it kind of is.And then, you know, the wrestler thing, I can see people deducting points for that too.And the dumb action movie thing and...Wait, no, that's sort of why I gave it a 7.Honestly, it can be really funny at times in a low budget all we have is a script indie film dialogue heavy sort of way...only with a lot of action.Really, this is a movie you watch and laugh with.And even more honestly, it comes as a shock because you walk in expecting it to be horrible and get a film with enough humor to pull you through from start to finish.Ultimately it's far from great, but it's a fun watch. It's a great example of how to do a go nowhere film the right way.


I was surprised how bad the movie was: bad acting, bad martial arts scenes, no good story. I think a very amateurish low budget movie. Perhaps I am spoiled after watching more than 25 award winning movies the past two months. I guess I can't complain too much since the movie was only $5. at Walmart. I started to watch it with my 10 year old but after ten minutes of hearing all the swearing and seeing the poor movie quality, I shut it off and we watched another show. I have seen more movies like this made by wannabee movie makers, actors and actresses. It doesn't work if you are just good at martial arts and then decide to make an action flick. They don't have acting school and film school for nothing. I am sure all the people in the movie tried hard and are a great bunch of people but making a good movie is a real art and very difficult to do. Of course if I tried making a movie like this, it would be even worse for all the same reasons.

Destroyer Wod

Honestly when i saw that on the xbox live market place i was like "woaaa... Trish Stratus in a movie?" and i immediately wanted to see it especially since the trailer seem pretty good(lots of action). I got myself a french version of it(I'm from quebec) and this is what i tough of it... I guess if you saw Trish on WWE for over a decade it will be hard to see her being dubbed, but thats just an effect as i had no problem seeing the other dudes dubbed. Trish was a good acting wrestlers back then... but this movie is sure not an acting showcase... its a small budget and even for a dubbed version i could see the acting was not that good. Then the fighting? Decent, some over the top stuff but again i salute the director for trying a mix of classic fighting mixed with more recent MMA.Well this movie is not produced in any way by WWE or any major studio, its just a very low budget movie with Trish looking super hot even as she get older, with some very decent fighting scene and thats it... I had that in mind when i watched it and i had fun. Now i could totally see Trish as Sonya Blade in the long awaited third Mortal Kombat movie... Her fighting was better than Bridgette Wilson... and her acting on par with her in the first movie... so why not? But sure Trish will never star in any drama... but its not what we ask for her anyway...


Any body that rents this movie, will not be looking for Oscar winning performances, clever plot twist, or a harrowing or moving narrative. - No, those that rent this movie want to see Trish Status looking hot and kicking butt, thats what the poster suggests and thats exactly what you get.It would have to be noted though, that the acting and scripting in this movie are particularly below par (Classic B-Movie stuff here. The two male bounty hunters who accompany miss Stratus through the story, are certainly not in it to advertise their acting talents. One of which is supposed to provide a comic element, but only irritates throughout.However the acting and the "plot" always feels irrelevant and second fiddle to the movies main agenda - which is to get Trish (ex wwe wrestler), looking fit and fighting fit - and its here where the film does deliver.Stratus is also not looking for any acting Oscars here, but is looking to show off her fighting talents gained from her wrestling background. It has to be said, the fight sequences are decent, and Stratus does put a lot of energy in to them.In summary not a good film by any means, but Trish does squeeze a guy unconscious with her thighs, which is probably why I give this film a generous 5 out of 10.
