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Moonlight and Valentino

Moonlight and Valentino (1995)

September. 29,1995
| Drama Comedy Romance

A young widow still grieving over the death of her husband finds herself being comforted by a local housepainter.


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There is something about a movie that you are watching and suddenly realize .. hey, I saw this one already."Moonlight and Valentino" is such a movie. The women get together and they talk and talk and cry and talk some more. "Little sister" Gwyneth is obnoxious to her ex-stepmother just because she can be. "Big sister" Perkins is "brave". Next door neighbor Whoopie is weird and devoid of fashion-sense. Ex-step mom Turner ( who we are supposed to dislike) seems to be the kindest and most helpful of the quartet. The men come and go and have very little part in the activities.If you care for talky girly gabfest films go for it. I watched it twice and apparently found it to be quite forgettable.


You know you're watching an awful Movie when After it's over you say to yourself, "Wow, and the best part of that was Jon Bon Jovi's performance!" Even though i had snuck into the cinema(something me and my mates did a lot in the mid 90's), I still felt like demanding my money back afterwards! i knew i wasn't enjoying the movie when i started to long for the thespian skills of Pauly Shore. I remember going to see this movie like it was yesterday and the bad taste still clings to the back of my throat like the memory of a romance that went sour.


Since the first time I saw "Big" (one of my favorite movies) with the beautiful red-headed Elizabeth Perkins, I knew that as an actress she had some real potential. She just needed a little push and the right part and she could have the audience in the palm of her hand, crying right along with her. This movie is getting her there. When Rebekah (Perkins) loses her husband in an accident, turns to her abnormal sister Lucy (Gwenyth Paltrow in an annoying role) her best friend Sylvia (Whoopi Goldburg is adorable!) and her ex-step-mother Alberta (Kathleen Turner has aged beautifully). The three try to help the vulnrable woman back on her feet. In a few scenes we see how vulnerable and sad Becky really is...And those scenes were the most touching. In other scenes we see how sisters interact and how one sister tries to hold off on Alberta for fear of losing another loved one. It's complicated but overall, it's good. I didn't quite understand if abortion was a topic here...It seemed like it during the last segment. Does anybody have a clue? That's the only thing I hate; When they don't make it all the way clear in the movie then you know they could've improved. If you want to see some good acting see this movie. Elizabeth Perkins is gorgeous!


This movie had me laughing, crying and riding the emotional rollercoaster ride one deals with when faced with the death of a loved one. A "womans" movie as I would call it, with the strength to reach out to the inner emotions and bring them to a head. A movie which could allow me to relate to my own life experiences. I LOVED IT. Very much on a par with the likes of Steel Magnolia and How To Make An American Quilt. Just loved it.
