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Janosik: A True Story

Janosik: A True Story (2009)

September. 04,2009
| Drama Romance War

The story of Janosik, a legendary "Central European Robin Hood", based on real XVIII century documents and a romantic legend. Young Janosik, burnt out by war experiences and disappointment in love, joins a team of brigands. Soon after he becomes the troop's leader and is recognized as a brave and honorable commander, he never kills anyone he robs. Along with the fame he starts enjoying popularity among women. But Janosik's success raises jealousy in one of the troop's members, greedy and brutal Huncaga.


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"Jánošík - Pravdivá história" or as translated "Janosik: A True Story" is really worth watching to people who care about the factual and realistic portrayal of heroes, who are often covered with various layers of legends.Here we are talking about a Slovakian man named Juraj Jánošík, who was born in 1688 in Terchová, Slovakia. As 19 year old he entered the army of František II. Rakóczy to fight for better rights of common people. The uprising was stopped by the Habsburgs' army and Juraj was recruited by them to become a guard in Bytčany Castle. There he met a prisoner TomᚠUhorčík, a highwayman, who he became friends with.After Tomᚠescaped from the jail, he helped with Juraj's release from the Habsburg's army - guard service, and eventually made him the captain of his highwaymen band.The film portrays the cultural and natural values of Slovak folk and one of the most beloved of Slovakian folk heroes, a young brave man with moral code, who "stole from the rich and gave to the poor ones". It also considers the emotional side of human characters, and as such feels very deep in expressive value.


Juro Janosik was a real-life bandit in Central Europe in the early 1700s, whose short and tragic career subsequently passed into legend; do a Google search and you will find all sort of cultural artifacts about Janosik, such as comic books and TV shows. Thus he is sometimes compared to Robin Hood.The makers of this film decided to do a realistic approach to the story, but still offer a few fabulous elements in the form of dream sequences. The result does not romanticize Janosik, but the sheer beauty of the landscapes, the recurrent eroticism, and the haunting music serve to create a lush and lyrical atmosphere, at least until the very grim ending.Presumably authentic ethnographic details (costumes, weddings, funerals and other rituals, as well as the widespread belief in magical spells) give the story an exotic atmosphere. The phenomenon of banditry under a repressive regime, eliciting the sympathy of the populace and the cruel retribution of those in power, is intelligently portrayed.The storytelling seems overly elliptical at times; characters appear and vanish without the viewer quite knowing who they are. (But nor does Janosik, who literally cannot name all of his fellow brigands when questioned by the authorities.) I have noticed that this is often the result when a Euro TV series is cut down to feature film length, but I don't know if that's the case here.While JANOSIK will not be to all tastes, this is by no means one of those horrible Euro historical movies we have encountered in recent years, which are so ineptly made they should never have been released; this is a serious film made by a very talented director (Agnieszka Holland, here working with her daughter, Kasia Adamik).


Not good, not bad. Only a story about a tip of Central Europe hero, with usual ingredients, slices of Viasat History and some medieval ornaments. Nothing new. Only a window to a world who may seduce the strangers and remember the pictures of childhood books. But the expectations are not impressive. A correct film , description, not very well but not fake of a society, some details about a lost Poland and few actors -promises for better productions, remember of Fanfan la Tulipe and a time travel. And enough. The scene is empty and Janosik - character of an old story. Good for first contact with past of a European region, without the images of Communism.A beginning. But the final taste is, in different doses, not charming.


I have watch movies directed by Agnieszka Holland ... this is the worst I have seen so for ... polish cinematography is dying ...everything in this movie is bad ... screenplay, dialogs ... etc ... watch it to the sleep ... i am give it 2/10 ... this should be a real history tell, but it is only a piece of that history, made in some kind of fantasy movie. there was a serial movie of it created by polish people and it was a much better. Agnieszka Holland is a really good director so I don't understand how she accept to direct that film. If You want to see real movie in the same genre please take a look at Russian: "Wolfhound from the Tribe of Grey Dogs" it is much better and much entertaining than this. watch it on Your own responsibility.
