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Her Minor Thing

Her Minor Thing (2005)

June. 10,2005
| Comedy Romance

Jeana does IT for the Sacramento Fire Department. She and Tom, a self-confident local TV news reporter, are about to go on a cruise to Rio when he lets slip on TV that she is a virgin. It's a slow news week, so this becomes a story: the media pursue Jeana, she breaks up with Tom and wants the tickets or her cruise money back, and Tom can't believe she's serious. Her path crosses that of Paul, a photographer recently arrived from Texas who's also Tom's cameraman; he's had six serious relationships that have ended with his heart broken. A triangle of sorts develops. Will Jeana end up with either man? Will she end up on the cruise? And what about that minor thing?


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Interest in Estella Warren pointed me in this one's direction. Movie has a bit of a silly storyline. In the old days, really not so long ago, you'd definitely have caused trouble for suggesting that an unmarried woman is not a virgin anymore, here strife is caused by an accidental blab about the lead character's virginity. How times have changed.No sex, no nudity, no foul language, no violence, set in gentle Sacramento, a chick flick in the truest sense. Pretty Estella Warren in the lead, all blonde mane and long, long legs that are quite often shown. Long, bare legs, at that. And lo, what's this? A decent helping of (gasp!) foot fetishism? Once that fountain scene comes up, gratuitous foot-shots totally escalates! There is also the poolside black bikini sequence that I had on slow motion just a while ago. And lots and lots of more leggy scenes, and, yes, the white toe-nail polish in that couch scene really looks scrumptious! Gasp! All these bare flesh in a chick flick! But no foul language. Except derogatory terms for men, awful creatures. Working title was 'Men Are Jerks', remember? No violence either. Unless you count Jeana stabbing director Charlie Matthau's character with a fork! (Albeit off- camera, but with a grisly sound effect!) And there is such a nasty slicing-the-cucumber scene, I wonder what Jeana was thinking of? Oh, so vicious! Hello, American Motion Picture Association, I want to file a complaint... Oh hell, just kidding, Estella's a long way off from raising any eyebrows, although with her long, long legs and soft-soled bare feet she is clearly not just playing to the chick flick regular audience, but raising more than temperatures. Kissing, cuddling, romantically it all gets pretty steamy, but only the far-out nutters will complain about this sexy movie. Then, again, there are a whole lot of far-out nutters out there filled with jealousy and rage at that black bikini scene. For the most part, though, this movie needs something. Actual drive, actual conflict, actual drama? The storyline isn't worth three consecutive sneezes, and if the reference to midget porn is the funniest line, what does that say for the rest of the movie? The weak game is quickly given away at the very beginning with that poxy little LNELY GRL cartoon that keeps fading out to green (although the song about love making her stupid was great!)But I do think that with a pretty girl like Estella Warren you could make a much better chick flick if the subject matter just wasn't so trivial. And hate me for saying this, but the virginity of somebody as hot as Estella has but a fleeting hope to last beyond summer. :) Okay, the feminists are now queuing up to beat me to death. :(If you could have a girl like Estella/Jeane or anybody like her, her virginal status would hardly matter. The point being that she's such a nice girl. Kidding her about her choice is clearly wrong, making a fuss about it, even more so. She is the wise one, after all, to wait for the right one. But virginity cannot be cherished forever, not when romance comes into the picture. All a girl can do, is hold out for real love and settle for nothing less. As indeed Jeana did.

Peter B

I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to watch this movie. Perhaps, that Estella Warren would do a good job, and perhaps this would be a good flick to watch. Wow - was I wrong or what!NOTHING in this movie is worth watching. The camera work is sub standard even for a low budget movie (which I assume this is). The script is VERY weak, and seems to be based on some teenager's fear of intimacy. The acting is weak and completely free from any kind of credibility. The directing...well, I'm not sure if anyone actually directed this film. It's as if every scene only got one take, and they used what they got from it - which most often is garbage. Avoid this movie if you can.

Ashley E

Two of my friends and I watched Her Minor Thing together, and this will be our combined review. We are three college age students: one virgin, one lesbian, and one thirty-something...to get a drift of our different views.We all classified this as our new favorite 'chick flick'. Although HMT does follow the "romantic comedy formula", it's way different and more stronger than what we've seen from other films. We laughed, we clapped, we cried and got angry all in the span of two hours. HMT gives many emotions, and the music to match is fantastic. Most 'romantic comedies' don't give you the anger or stronger emotions, and HMT does the emotional roller-coaster seamlessly.Warren makes the role her own by portraying a soft yet strong woman; Weatherly brings in what the three of us pegged as a 'puppet-type shallowness, yet knows true romantic lines - we'll swoon for Tom anyway'. Griffin and Dratch fit into their roles like slipping on a pair of well-worn gloves; Kane seems footloose-and-fancy free.Rachel Dratch & Michael Weatherly stole the show is our impression, and MADE their roles; the responses in scenes got the exact fabulous facial expressions to go with them, their body language even. Some of our favorite laughs were what Caroline would say, or the look on Tom's face in reaction to the scenes.The location was also great - it felt like a bigger city, but not the biggest city. Also fabulous to note was the props in the scenes for each location – from photographs, posters and what the characters wore all made the film seem more real, and completed the characters background and feelings about their life.All of us loved the movie for different reasons at the end - from how the portrayals were (lesbians, firefighters, romantics) to the roller-coaster-ride of the emotions you feel when someone betrays you, to the reactions of many different people in knowing your a virgin. All in all, wonderful performances by the cast and a talented and emotional script by the Meyers. We are looking forward to more projects by the Meyers and Charles Matthau!


I had the pleasure to view this movie at SIFF on Sunday. It's refreshing to watch a movie where the dialog isn't full of foul language. The strength in this film is in the dialog which is loaded with lots of funny lines although I missed a few of the lines because the audience was laughing. I'd go see it again if it hits the theaters. The characters were real and the script well written. I know a lot of girls like the main character who are true romantics and I think this movie would especially appeal to them. I especially enjoyed Michael Weatherly as the good looking anchorman, Rachel Dratch as the best friend, and Kathy Griffin as the crazy lawyer. They each brought depth to their characters. The sleazy taxi driver was very entertaining also. The movie kept my interest from start to finish....no lulls or boring parts. Go see this one if it comes to theaters.
